Msc, MRCP, MBChB Hons, BSc Hons
I have a special interest in asthma, airways disease, chronic cough, respiratory infection, allergy, sleep medicine and lung cancer.
A full range of diagnostic and treatment services are offered for all these conditions at Spire Bushey Hospital, including new diagnostic tests for lung cancer (bronchoscopy with trans-bronchial node aspiration), bed-side lung function tests and skin prick testing for common inhaled aero-allergens. In more difficult cases, my links with the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals allow access to specialist radiology and diagnostic sleep services.
I qualified from the University of Sheffield Medical School in 1996 with an Honours degree in Medicine after completing a three year BSc Hons degree in Pharmacology at Manchester University. In 2005 I was awarded a Masters (in Respiratory Medicine) from Imperial College London.
My NHS practice is based at Watford General Hospital (Respiratory and General Internal Medicine) and The Royal Brompton Hospital (Allergy: food/drugs/insect stings/angio-oedema and urticaria). I am the Lead Clinician for Lung Cancer, Oxygen Therapy and Respiratory Medicine at Watford.
I am also an Advanced Life Support Instructor and a post-graduate lecturer for PasTesT (MRCP part 2 clinical courses).
Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Andrew Barlow at Spire include:
Other treatments
COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Bushey Hospital.
Specialist Training Committee for Respiratory Medicine
Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, The Royal Brompton Hospital
Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, Watford General Hospital
I enjoy golf, skiing, mountain biking and hill walking.
Telephone | 07511 640 449 |