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Giving life a helping hand
The causes are varied and affect men and women equally leading to a delay in achieving a pregnancy. Spire Bushey Hospital work in partnership with IVF London providing treatment and support for patients in North London, Hertfordshire and the surrounding counties.
IVF London understands that it is important for you to see a fertility expert, who can guide you through the investigative process and plan your subsequent care appropriately. We appreciate that every patient is different and a very bespoke approach to treatment is essential at every stage.
To book a consultation please call one of our self-pay team on 020 8901 5505 or alternatively, submit an enquiry from one of the consultants profile for one of the team to contact you.
IVF London offer all types of investigations such as ultrasound scans, blood tests of ovulation and ovarian reserve (egg production), hormone profiles, fallopian tube testing (HyCoSy), and sperm testing which enables them to recommend the appropriate treatment.
IVF London offer the following services:
Complex fertility treatments (such as IVF) can involve up to 8-10 visits to a fertility centre for investigations and treatment. IVF London has its state of the Art facilities that provide all tests and treatments from its site at Elstree with no travel into London. Evening and weekend consultations are also available for convenience.
All of investigation and fertility treatment prices are set by IVF London and can be reviewed on their website.
Fertility treatment at IVF London is available to all self-funding patients.