Professor  Dev Datta

Professor Dev Datta

Consultant in Metabolic Medicine


Specialises in

  • Management of high cholesterol
  • Cardiovascular risk management
  • Hypertension

I was appointed as a consultant in 2011. I have expertise in managing high cholesterol and other blood fats, other risk factors for heart disease and stroke such as hypertension or those with a strong family history of blood vessel disease.

I have an interest in the evaluation of individuals who do not tolerate standard lipid-lowering therapies. I gained experience in medical weight management at the Imperial Weight Centre, London and established the NHS service in Cardiff for medical weight management in 2015. I have run a weight management service in Spire since 2013. I lead a clinical biochemistry and diagnostic medicine service which involves evaluation and treatment of a variety of metabolic conditions, such as problems related to calcium and sodium metabolism and vitamin deficiencies including vitamin D and hormones.

I am medical lead for the Wales Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Service and the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Weight Management Service. I developed and am course director for the MSc in Preventative Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of South Wales, where I am a visiting Professor.


General Medical Council Number: 4435387

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Professor Dev Datta at Spire include:

General medicine

Other treatments

  • Non surgical management of obesity

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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Bushey Hospital.


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Additional information

MB BCh / Wales / 1997
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

MRCP / UK / 2000
Membership of the Royal College of Physicians

MD / Wales / 2005
Doctor of Medicine

FRCPath / UK / 2009
Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists

FRCP / London / 2015
Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians

Professional memberships

Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists

Member of the Royal College of Physicians

Member of the Association for Clinical Biochemistry

Medical Advisor to the All Wales Familial

Hypercholesterolaemia Cascade Testing Service

Member of HEART UK lipoprotein apheresis sub-group

Consultant in Medical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine, University Hospital Llandough.

My young family keep me busy but when possible I enjoy running, skiing and walking.

Telephone 029 2073 6011
Private secretary Rebecca Coombs
Private secretary fax 029 2071 2942
Private secretary email