Mr Anand Muddaiah

Mr Anand Muddaiah

Consultant ENT Surgeon


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Specialises in

  • Grommets
  • General ENT
  • Ear wax removal
  • Otology
  • Sinus surgery

I am currently working as an ENT Consultant (with special interest in Peadiatric ENT and Otology) at the Countess of Chester Hospital. I am also the governance lead and head the BCHI (bone conduction hearing implants) service at the Countess. I have been practicing as an ENT consultant for many years now and have performed thousands of surgeries in my 20-year ENT career which covers general ENT procedures as well as complex ear and paediatric surgeries with excellent outcomes.

I did my initial and specialist training from India in 2003 and completed my specialist training requirements from the northern deanery here in England in 2013. I did my Peadiatric ENT training from the Royal Hospital for sick children, Glasgow in 2014 and started work as a consultant.

I treat general ENT conditions in adults and children. I am an expert in treating ear conditions eg hearing loss, outer ear infections, ear wax impaction, hole in the ear drum, middle ear infections, tinnitus, dizziness and serious mastoid disease. I perform diagnostic endoscopy, micro-suction of ears, adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, grommet insertion, eustachian tube balloon dilatation, balloon sinuplasty, functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), septoplasty, turbinoplasty, canalplasty, pinnaplasty, repair of hole in the ear drum, mastoid surgery, ossiculoplasty, thyroglossal duct cyst surgery and submandibular gland surgery.

I am passionate about teaching and I regularly teach on Royal College recognised courses. I have also been teaching at the Royal College of General Practitioners on a regular basis over the last five years with excellent feedback.


General Medical Council Number: 6047727

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Anand Muddaiah at Spire include:

Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)

Paediatrics - ENT

Other treatments

  • Endoscopic ear surgery
  • Mastoidectomy
  • Ossiculoplasty (reconstruction of hearing mechanism) turbinate reduction
  • Pan-endoscopy
  • Submandibular gland excision
  • Thyroglossal cyst excision

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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Cheshire Hospital.


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Additional information

Ear, nose and throat
Hearing loss
Paediatric otolaryngology

DOHNS / Royal College of Surgeons, London, UK / 2005
Diploma in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery

FRCS / Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow, UK / 2011
Fellowship of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons

MS / University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India / 2003
Master of Surgery in ENT

MBBS / Bangalore University, India / 1999
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

MRCS / Royal College of Surgeons, London, UK / 2007
Membership of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons

Professional memberships

Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland

Medical Defence Shield

General Medical Council

Fellow of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow


Professional leadership

Service lead for Implantable hearing aids - Countess of Chester Hospital
Clinical governance lead - Countess of Chester Hospital
Member of LNC - Countess of Chester Hospital

Outside my work commitments I enjoy spending time with my gorgeous daughters, painting and listening to music with them. I am a keen cyclist and enjoy travelling with my family.

Private secretary Nicky Bell
Private secretary telephone 01925 215 055
Private secretary email