Respiratory medicine

Diagnosis and treatments for breathing-related difficulties and conditions.

Related specialties

  • Chest medicine
  • General medicine
  • Radiology

Why Spire?

  • Fast access to treatments, consultations and diagnosis
  • Consultants who are experts in their field

Respiratory medicine is focused on the diagnosis and treatment of both acute and chronic dysfunction of the cardiopulmonary system.

Spire Healthcare hospitals have a skilled team of consultants who provide care for many respiratory conditions such as lung cancer, asthma, emphysema, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Lung function testing service at Spire Cheshire Hospital

A lung function test can help to:

  • Identify any lung disease
  • Evaluate any existing lung conditions
  • Assess your lung function before surgery
  • Determine if medications can improve your breathing

These tests can also be useful to understand your lung health and how they're functioning.

Why you might need it

You may need a lung function test if you're experiencing symptoms such as an on-going cough, breathlessness, wheezing or to assess  underlying lung conditions.

The procedure

During a lung function test a trained physiologist will ask you to breathe in and out of a specialised machine through a mouthpiece and filter which will determine how well your lungs are working. You may be asked to inhale medical gas to provide information of your lung capacity and function. This is very safe and will be overseen by trained professionals.

Q & A

Consultant Respiratory Physician Dr Abdul Ashish and Mr David Rigby, Principal Physiologist

Consultant Respiratory Physician Dr Abdul Ashish and Principal Physiologist Mr David Rigby discuss when you would need to see a respiratory expert and the conditions we can treat at Spire Cheshire Hospital.

Get in touch

Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Cheshire Hospital.


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We may contact you by email, SMS or phone about your enquiry. If we try to contact you by phone (mobile and/or landline) and you are not available, we may leave you a voicemail message. We may also use your details to contact you about patient surveys we use for improving our service or monitoring outcomes, which are not a form of marketing.

We will use your personal information to process your enquiry. For further information, please see our privacy policy.

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Six reasons why you may be coughing so much

Coughing is a natural reflex and defense against dust and bacteria.

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Respiratory (lungs and airways)

Bronchiectasis and bacterial bronchitis in children explained

Bronchiectasis in children is a long-term condition where the airways become swollen and widened.

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Children's health

Nine signs of lung cancer you should know about

Lung cancer is the biggest cause of cancer death in the UK.

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