Miss Chloe Constantinou

Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon


I am a Specialist Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon. I am currently Consultant Breast Surgeon at Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and an Honorary Consultant Breast Surgeon at The Royal Marsden Hospital.

My special interests include surgery for breast cancer, immediate breast reconstruction, sentinel lymph node, oncoplastic techniques, therapeutic breast reduction, breast volume replacement techniques for cancer.

I graduated from University of Ioannina, School of Medicine, Ioannina, Greece in 2003 and obtained higher general surgical training in Athens. I received further training in breast surgery and advanced oncoplastic breast surgery techniques at some of London's world's famous Breast Units including Imperial College London and Royal Free Hospital. I undertook a prestigious Oncoplastic Fellowship in Breast Surgery at Royal Marsden Hospital, London. Prior to taking up a Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon post at Kingston NHS Foundation Hospital I also worked as Consultant Breast Surgeon at the Royal Free Hospital.

Academically in 2018, I was awarded a PhD thesis for my research on Triple Negative Breast Cancer, at University of Ioannina, School of Medicine, Greece; a retro prospective project that investigated the correlation of immnunohistochemical markers with the prognosis of triple negative breast cancer. The results were published in peer review journals.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Miss Chloe Constantinou at Spire include:

Breast care and surgery

Other treatments

  • Advise on family history of breast cancer and risk reduction surgery
  • Breast assessment
  • Benign breast disease
  • Breast cancer
  • Breast screening
  • Extensive oncoplastic breast conservation surgery
  • Immediate and delayed breast reconstruction

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Clare Park Hospital.


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Additional information

Breast cancer
Breast care
Breast surgery

MD / University of Ioannina / 2003
Doctor of Medicine

PhD (in Triple Negative Breast Cancer) / University of Ioannina / 2018
Doctor of Philosophy

I have an active interest in surgical research and have published widely in peer reviewed journals.

Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Private secretary Claire Roberts
Private secretary telephone 07521 033106
Private secretary email pa.breastspecialist@gmail.com