Dr Chris Fraser

Dr Chris Fraser

Consultant Gastroenterologist


Specialises in

  • Acid reflux
  • Crohn's disease
  • Coeliac disesase
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Swallowing difficulties

I am a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. I was previously Consultant Gastroenterologist at St Mark's Hospital, Harrow for 10 years until relocating to Edinburgh. I qualified MB ChB from Edinburgh University in 1992 with postgraduate training in Aberdeen, Birmingham, Manchester and London.

I achieved MRCP in 1996, was awarded an MD in 2004 for studies of the neurophysiologic control of swallowing and became FRCP in 2009. I undertook the first advanced endoscopy fellowship at The Wolfson Unit for Endoscopy at St Mark's Hospital in 2003. While at St Mark's, I was a nationally accredited NHS bowel cancer screening specialist in colonoscopy.

I work in Spire Shawfair Park's endoscopy suite which holds JAG accreditation.


General Medical Council Number: 3682580

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Chris Fraser at Spire include:


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Additional information

Bowel disease
Gastrointestinal cancer
Gastrointestinal pathology
Inflammatory bowel disease
Motility disorder

Special clinical interests: Acid reflux, laryngo-pharyngeal reflux, refractory or atypical reflux symptoms, dyspepsia; Swallowing difficulty; Constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, evacuatory problems; Bowel dysfunction relating to hypermobility syndrome and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome; Food intolerance and sensitivity, bacterial overgrowth; Small bowel disorders and disease including Crohn's disease, coeliac disease, other malabsorption problems; Bowel cancer screening and removal of bowel polyps to prevent cancer; Endoscopy (gastroscopy including transnasal endoscopy, colonoscopy, capsule endoscopy, double balloon enteroscopy, the Stretta endoscopic antireflux procedure, the Obalon gastric balloon for weight loss).

Professional memberships

British Medical Association

British Society of Gastroenterology

Royal College of Physicians (London)

Dr Fraser's academic interests include:

1. Minimally invasive endoscopy 
2. Advanced and therapeutic small bowel endoscopy techniques 
3. Novel endoscopic resection techniques and endosurgical therapies 
4. Endoscopic resection techniques 
5. Laparo-endoscopic (“hybrid”) procedures
6. Endoscopic anti-reflux and weight loss therapy 
7. Improving colonoscopy insertion techniques

Consultant Gastroenterologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

Telephone 0131 334 0363
Email chris@drchrisfraser.com
Website http://www.drchrisfraser.com
Private secretary Hannah Brazil - 0131 341 4555
Private secretary fax 0131 341 4556
Private secretary email pa@drchrisfraser.com