Dr Miles Behan

Dr Miles Behan

Consultant Cardiologist

BSc (Hons), MB BChir, MD, FRCP (Ed)

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Specialises in

  • General cardiology
  • Assessment of chest pain
  • Breathlessness
  • Palpitations
  • Dizziness

I attended medical school at both St Andrews and Cambridge Universities. I went on to complete my medical doctorate in Nottingham, focusing on the role of blood cells in heart attacks.

My specialist cardiology training was at St Thomas Hospital London and in 2009 I was awarded the Cordis International Interventional Fellowship and spent a year in Adelaide, Australia. In 2011 I was appointed Consultant Cardiologist at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and I also run the Cardiology Clinic at Roodlands Hospital, Haddington.

I welcome referrals for the assessment of chest pain, breathlessness, murmurs, palpitations and dizziness.

My specialist interest is percutaneous coronary intervention, but I am trained in all aspects of cardiology including pacemakers and valve disease. 


General Medical Council Number: 4477662

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Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Miles Behan at Spire include:

Other treatments

  • Bubble studies
  • Coronary angiograms
  • Echocardiograms

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Additional information

Interventional cardiology

Professional memberships

Royal College of Physicians

British Cardiovascular Society

European Bifurcation Club

British Cardiovascular Intervention Society

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Acute Coronary Syndromes


Aortic Valve Disease

Consultant Cardiologist at the Edinburgh Heart Centre, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and Roodlands Hospital, Haddington.

Dr Miles Behan is Co-chair of the Medical Advisory Committee at Spire Edinburgh Hospitals. Their role is to provide senior professional advice to the Hospital Director and Director of Clinical Services in order to support effective medical governance and oversight. They are paid £14,000 per annum for this role and are also entitled to receive the following fees for the provision of additional ad hoc services: (i) £750 for chairing a Professional Review Committee; (ii) £200 per hour for attendance at regulatory or other national body meeting (capped at £500); (iii) £500 for each annual medical appraisal undertaken for a doctor designating to Spire for the purposes of revalidation; (iv) £1,000 per annum for undertaking the role of governance lead in addition to MAC Chair; and (v) £200 per hour for the preparation of an independent report (up to a maximum of £500 per report unless otherwise agreed due to complexity) upon request by the Medical Director or Chief Medical Officer.
Telephone 0131 334 0363
Email miles.behan@edinburghcardiologist.co.uk
Website http://www.edinburghcardiologist.co.uk
Private secretary Karen Robertson - 0131 202 6393
Private secretary email info@edinburghcardiologist.co.uk