Mr Kenneth Elder

Mr Kenneth Elder

Consultant Breast Surgeon

MBBS, BEng, MSc, MPhil, FRCS (Edin)

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Specialises in

  • Breast conservation cancer surgery
  • Mastectomy
  • Implants
  • Benign breast disease
  • High risk advice/surgery

I am currently a consultant breast surgeon at the Western general hospital in Edinburgh where I am the breast lead for the University of Edinburgh ChM qualification.

I undertook my undergraduate medical training at the University of Nottingham qualifying in 2008.  At the end of medical school I travelled to East Timor to work as a disaster relief doctor and was awarded The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London prize for Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine. I completed my higher surgical training in Edinburgh and surrounding hospitals.

During my training I completed a prestigious research fellowship at the world renowned Peter Macallum Cancer Research Centre in Melbourne Australia under Professor Iain Campbell looking at the efficacy of modern breast screening and the genetics of pre-cancerous breast disease. For my time there I was awarded the Ethicon travelling scholarship. This research has been published widely and has been presented around the world. I returned to Australia to complete a breast surgery fellowship under Professor Bruce Mann at the Royal Women’s Hospital of Melbourne.

In 2022 I will travel to Japan to learn cryogenic minimally invasive breast surgery on the Sir James Fraser scholarship awarded by the Royal college of Surgeons of Edinburgh.


General Medical Council Number: 7015851

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Kenneth Elder at Spire include:

Breast care and surgery

Other treatments

  • Axillary clearance
  • Benign breast disease
  • Breast conservation surgery
  • Breast lump investigation and removal
  • Implant removal
  • Inverted nipple surgery
  • Mastectomy
  • Reconstruction following mastectomy
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy

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Additional information

Benign breast problems
Breast cancer

Professional memberships

Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons

Consultant Breast Surgeon, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh

Outside of life as a busy surgeon I am a father of a little girl and enjoy endurance sports such as ironmen triathlons and ultramarathons.