BA (Hon), MB BS, MA (Cantab), MRCP, FRCP
Specialises in
As Chief Medical Officer at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust since 2019 I am the medical representative on the hospital board.
Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Edward Cetti at Spire include:
COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital.
British Thoracic Society
Royal College of Physicians
British Thoracic Oncology Group
Member of Medical Advisory Committee Gatwick Park Hospital
Chief Medical Officer Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
GMC Responsible Officer Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Director of Infection Prevention and Control Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Caldicott Guardian Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Consultant Respiratory Physician East Surrey Hospital.
I am married with two children. My wife is a nurse at a local hospital and we met when I was a junior doctor. When not chasing around after the kids I am mad about football and the red half of North London in particular.