Dr Jess Felton

Consultant Adult and Paediatric Dermatologist


"Working with the Spire team I know that all of my patients will receive the highest standard of care in a friendly, efficient and well-run hospital."

Specialises in

Working in dermatology since 2001 I have a wealth of experience diagnosing and treating both common and rare skin rashes. I am a member of the local and regional Skin Cancer multidisciplinary meeting and am very experienced in diagnosing and treating skin cancer and sun damage. I am able to offer a Mole Mapping service for those patients at higher risk of skin cancer or with multiple moles.

I have advanced training in Paediatric Dermatology and have run the regional service for this specialty over the last 10 years with extra research expertise in the field of eczema.

I perform skin surgery on a regular basis including excision of malignant lesions, wide local excision, biopsies, shave excision, curettage and cautery and cryotherapy. I perform injection treatments for excess axillary (armpit) sweating.

I am the lead consultant for paediatric dermatology in the Regional Children's Hospital for Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

In addition to my clinical work I am a member of the NHIR general paediatrics clinic studies group. I am also privileged to be on the Steering committee for research run by the patient support group Eczema Outreach Support.


General Medical Council Number: 4418939

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Jess Felton at Spire include:


Paediatrics - dermatology

Other treatments

  • I treat children and young people from newborn to 18 years old

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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital.


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Additional information

Aesthetic dermatology
Dermatological surgery
Hair and nail disease
Inflammatory skin disease
Paediatric dermatology
Skin cancer

MBBS / University of London / 1997
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
MBBS; given to doctors after completing medical school

BSc (Hons) / University of London / 1997
Bachelor of Science Honours degree
BSc; additional degree

FRCP / University of London / 1997
Fellow Royal College Physicians
FRCP; advanced exams

Professional memberships

British Medical Association

British Association of Dermatologists

British Society of Paediatric Dermatology

Medical Protection Society

Royal Society of Medicine

Professional leadership

Lead for Paediatric Dermatology at the Royal Alexander Children's Hospital in Brighton, providing a regional paediatric dermatology service

Contribution of original research, case series and case reports.

  • British Journal of Dermatology
  • Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology
  • Pediatric Dermatology


''The Big Itch'' - article on childhood eczema, Mother and Baby Magazine
March 2020

Gene test at birth could predict long-term risk of disease for individuals with eczema and asthma - Brighton and Sussex Medical School
May 2018

Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust.

I am passionate about being a dermatologist and being able to see the transformation as my patients' skin improves or diagnosing and treating skin cancer.

When I am not at work I enjoy my family time with my husband and four children walking our dog in the countryside or visiting friends.

Consultant Dermatologist Representative for the Children and Young Persons' Committee.