Specialises in
I have a strong background in internal medicine and neurology, having completed post-graduate training in Internal Medicine and Neurology.
I am one of the few consultants in the United Kingdom with credentials in medicine, anaesthetics, intensive care and pain medicine. I provide a comprehensive and precise pain management service with precision controlled X-ray guided spinal interventions. I also combine regional anaesthetic techniques with general anaesthesia for optimum post operative pain control.
My basic specialist training in anaesthesia took place in Manchester. Specialist registrar appointments were at St George's Hospital in London and in various District General Hospitals in Surrey and Sussex as part of the South West Thames Anaesthetic Training Programme. During this period I spent one year in full time advanced pain medicine training. I became a substantive consultant anaesthetist with special interest in pain medicine in 2002.
Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Jones Kurian at Spire include:
Other treatments
COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital.
Association of Anaesthetists (Great Britain and Ireland)
British Medical Association
Faculty of Pain Medicine
Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
International Spinal Intervention Society
International Association for the Study of Pain
Medical Protection Society
Royal College of Anaesthetists
Royal College of Physicians
Profound postoperative hypoglycemia in a malnourished patient
October 2001
Use of epidurals during and after surgery
Dealing with pain, Deccan Herald
February 2015