Tinnitus management
For some ringing in the ears is a mild inconvenience, for others it can seriously impact on wellbeing.
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Comprehensive hearing and tinnitus management for adults and children
At Spire Gatwick Park Hospital, we offer a comprehensive hearing and tinnitus clinic managed by Gatwick Audiology. Mr Prince Punnoose, Clinical Audiologist, has extensive clinical experience in NHS audiology departments and has practised private hearing and tinnitus management since 2007.
View Mr Punnoose's profileTo make an appointment to see Mr Prince Punnoose, Clinical Audiologist.
For some ringing in the ears is a mild inconvenience, for others it can seriously impact on wellbeing.
We have hearing aid solutions that range from almost invisible styles that fit discreetly inside the ear, to those that sit comfortably behind the ear.
Our specialist consultants treat ear, nose and throat conditions in children and adults.