Dr Alistair King

Dr Alistair King

Consultant Gastroenterologist


Specialises in

  • Bowel cancer screening
  • Gastrointestinal cancer
  • Hepatology
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

I enjoy all aspects of gastroenterology and hepatology but have special interests in endoscopy, bowel cancer screening, pancreatic and biliary disorders and viral hepatitis.

I provide an outpatient practice covering all aspects of gastroenterology and hepatology at Spire Harpenden Hospital. I also perform diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy and colonoscopy on-site at Spire.

I graduated from The Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine in 1991. I completed my specialist training in gastroenterology and general medicine on the South East Thames Specialist Registrar training rotation which included posts at King's College Hospital Liver Unit and Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals. I undertook research at St Thomas' Hospital, which led to a PhD from the University of London.

My NHS links allow me to offer comprehensive and rapid investigation and treatment of patients with gastrointestinal complaints.


General Medical Council Number: 3583351

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Alistair King at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography)

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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Harpenden Hospital.


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We may contact you by email, SMS or phone about your enquiry. If we try to contact you by phone (mobile and/or landline) and you are not available, we may leave you a voicemail message. We may also use your details to contact you about patient surveys we use for improving our service or monitoring outcomes, which are not a form of marketing.

We will use your personal information to process your enquiry. For further information, please see our privacy policy.

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Additional information

Bowel disease
Gastrointestinal cancer
Gastrointestinal pathology
Inflammatory bowel disease
Liver disease

Bowel cancer screening

MBBS / Royal Free Hospital of Medicine / 1991
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

BSc / Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine / 1988
Bachelor of Science

FRCP / Royal College of Physicians, London / 2008
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians

PhD / University of London / 2003

Bowel Cancer Screening Programme Accredited Colonoscopist / Joint Advisory Group for Endoscopy / 2009
Professional Accreditation

Professional memberships

Royal College of Physicians of London

British Medical Association

British Society of Gastroenterology

Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hemel Hempstead, St Albans City Hospital and Watford General Hospital

I live in St Albans with my wife and two young children. I am a skiing fanatic and year round I do slalom racing, competing on a national level. In the winter I enjoy ski touring and freeride skiing. I also enjoy music, and play piano and guitar.

Telephone 0800 585 112
Private secretary Marguerite Watkins
Private secretary telephone 01582 765 015
Private secretary fax 01582 765 015
Private secretary email primesecretarial@gmail.com