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Our foot and ankle clinic aims to minimise the time taken for diagnosis and treatment.
At Spire Hartswood Hospital our foot and ankle clinic aims to minimise the time taken for diagnosis and treatment.
Our team of highly trained specialist orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeons, physiotherapists and diagnosticians at Spire Hartswood Hospital will look after your individual clinical requirements for a range of foot and ankle conditions including:
Following your procedure, your rehabilitation plan from our expert physiotherapy team and nursing staff aims to have you up about and ready for home in days.
At Spire Hartswood Hospital our highly skilled teams are continuously updating their skills and surgical techniques to ensure we deliver the optimum care to our patients.
Our specialists appreciate the importance of customer care and aim to work flexibly to enable you to choose appointments and procedure dates to suit your life style.
For further information on the Foot and Ankle Clinic at Spire Hartswood Hospital call 01277 266 780 or
send an enquiry