Mr Kevin Phillips



Specialises in

  • Endometriosis
  • Hysterectomy
  • Laparoscopic Investigation
  • Menopause
  • Sterilisation

I have extensive experience in outpatient hysteroscopy to assess menstrual irregularities, abnormal bleeding on HRT and postmenopausal bleeding. In the management of heavy periods I can offer all the treatments currently recommended such as endometrial ablation, "Mirena Intra Uterine Device" and hysterectomy.

I have specialist experience in the laparoscopic management of advanced endometriosis.

I specialise in endometriosis, hysterectomy, laparoscopic hysterectomy, laparoscopy and dye test, painful or heavy irregular period assessment, pelvic pain examination and investigation, removal of endometriosis, unexplained vaginal bleeding, urogynaecology procedures including prolapse repair with/without mesh and female sterilisation.


General Medical Council Number: 3188402

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Kevin Phillips at Spire include:


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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Hull and East Riding Hospital.


Marketing Information

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We may contact you by email, SMS or phone about your enquiry. If we try to contact you by phone (mobile and/or landline) and you are not available, we may leave you a voicemail message. We may also use your details to contact you about patient surveys we use for improving our service or monitoring outcomes, which are not a form of marketing.

We will use your personal information to process your enquiry. For further information, please see our privacy policy.

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Additional information

Gynaecology and/or obstetrics
Menstrual disorders
Post menopausal problems

Special clinical interests: Endometriosis and menstrual disturbance, out-patient hysteroscopy.

Consultant Gynaecology and Obstetric Surgeon, Hull University Hospitals NHS Trust.

Mr Kevin Phillips is Chair of the Medical Advisory Committee at Spire Hull & East Riding Hospital. Their role is to provide senior professional advice to the Hospital Director and Director of Clinical Services in order to support effective medical governance and oversight. They are paid £14,000 per annum for this role and are also entitled to receive the following fees for the provision of additional ad hoc services: (i) £750 for chairing a Professional Review Committee; (ii) £200 per hour for attendance at regulatory or other national body meeting (capped at £500); (iii) £500 for each annual medical appraisal undertaken for a doctor designating to Spire for the purposes of revalidation; (iv) £1,000 per annum for undertaking the role of governance lead in addition to MAC Chair; and (v) £200 per hour for the preparation of an independent report (up to a maximum of £500 per report unless otherwise agreed due to complexity) upon request by the Medical Director or Chief Medical Officer. Mr Kevin Phillips holds less than 0.1% of the shares in Spire Healthcare Group Plc.
Telephone 01482 672 444
Private secretary Helen Dainty
Private secretary telephone 01482 660239
Private secretary email