Dr Daniel Velasco Sanchez

Dr Daniel Velasco Sanchez

Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist


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Specialises in

  • Paediatric cardiology
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Echocardiography
  • Palpitations
  • Screening for sporting activities

I am a general paediatrician and paediatric cardiologist and for the last 17 years, I have been exclusively dedicated to the field of paediatric cardiology with extensive experience in diagnosing and treating heart conditions in newborns, infants, children and adolescents. After completing medical school at the La Laguna University in Tenerife, Spain back in 2000, I pursued my training in General Paediatrics at the prestigious San Joan de Deu Hospital in Barcelona, Spain. 
My training in Paediatric Cardiology was completed at three different centres, the San Joan de Deu Hospital in Barcelona, Spain, the Sainte Justine Hospital in Montreal, Canada and the Leeds General Infirmary in Leeds, United Kingdom where I also specialised in cardiac catheter (“keyhole”) interventions and procedures for children’s and adults born with heart defects.

In am currently one of the senior consultant paediatric cardiologists and interventionist at the Leeds General Infirmary Congenital Heart Centre which provides advanced treatment, care and support for children all across Yorkshire and Humber with cardiac conditions. I am an associate professor for the University of Leeds. I also work at the Sheffield Children’s Hospital where I have a regular outpatient clinic providing support to the local team of cardiac specialised paediatricians, intensive care and neonatal units.
Having a teenage girl and young twin boys, I understand the anxiety and stress that comes with being a parent and needing prompt and specialised medical advice.  This has been the main reason to start a children’s cardiology service at the Spire Leeds Hospital, adding with my expertise to the hospital experienced team dedicated to caring for children.  


General Medical Council Number: 7448402

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Daniel Velasco Sanchez at Spire include:



Other treatments

Management of paediatric cardiology conditions including:

  • Cardiac murmurs
  • Chest pain
  • Congenital cardiac catheter procedures (“keyhole surgery”) 
  • Palpitations and cardiac arrhythmias
  • Screening for sporting activities
  • Syncope (fainting)

Cardiac testing including:

  • Cardiopulmonary exercise testing
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Holter electrocardiogram monitor
  • Transthoracic echocardiogram
  • 24-72 hours electrocardiogram monitoring (Holter)


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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Leeds Hospital.


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Additional information

Arrhythmia (Electrophysiology)
Congenital heart disease
Interventional cardiology
Paediatric cardiology

Cardiac murmurs, chest pain, congenital cardiac catheter procedures, fainting, palpitations, screening for sporting activities.

Fellowship in Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Catheter Procedures / Universite de Montreal and Sainte Justine Hospital, Montreal Canada / 2013
Fellowship in Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Catheter Procedures

Masters Degree in Paediatric Cardiology / Barcelona University and Sant Joan de Deu Hospital, Barcelona, Spain / 2009
Masters Degree in Paediatric Cardiology

CCT equivalent in General Paediatrics and Specialised Areas / Sant Joan de Deu Hospital, Barcelona, Spain / 2007
CCT equivalent in General Paediatrics and Specialised Areas

MBSS / University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain / 2000
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery

Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist at Leeds General Infirmary and Sheffield Children's Hospital, Associate Professor at Leeds University

Having a teenage girl and young twin boys, I understand the anxiety and stress that comes with being a parent and needing prompt and specialised medical advice.  This has been the main reason to start a children’s cardiology service at the Spire Leeds Hospital, adding with my expertise to the hospital experienced team dedicated to caring for children.