Miss Grainne Bourke

Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon


Specialises in

  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Hand surgery
  • Microsurgery
  • Nerve reconstruction surgery

I am a Consultant Plastic Surgeon based at Spire Leeds Hospital and Leeds General Infirmary. I have a busy practice including reconstructive and cosmetic surgery in adults and reconstructive surgery in children.

My cosmetic surgery practice includes surgical and non surgical rejuvenation techniques, lipo-remodelling, breast surgery and trunk remodelling.

I teach on national and international courses on reconstructive plastic surgery including nerve injuries, hand surgery and congenital hand surgery.

General Medical Council Number: 4371584

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Miss Grainne Bourke at Spire include:

Cosmetic surgery

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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Leeds Hospital.


Marketing Information

Spire would like to provide you with marketing information about products and services offered by Spire and by selected third-party partners. If you do not consent for us to process your personal data for marketing activities, we will still be able to contact you about your enquiry.

We may contact you by email, SMS or phone about your enquiry. If we try to contact you by phone (mobile and/or landline) and you are not available, we may leave you a voicemail message. We may also use your details to contact you about patient surveys we use for improving our service or monitoring outcomes, which are not a form of marketing.

We will use your personal information to process your enquiry. For further information, please see our privacy policy.

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Additional information

Cosmetic breast surgery
Facial surgery
Hand surgery
Non-surgical cosmetic treatment
Non-surgical procedures
Reconstructive surgery

Professional memberships

British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons

British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons

British Society for Surgery of the Hand

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Consultant plastic surgeon, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust.

Honorary senior lecturer, University of Leeds.

Telephone Insured patients 0113 218 5908/9, self-pay patients 0113 218 5967
Email info@spireleeds.com
Private secretary Maria Pickersgill
Private secretary telephone 0113 218 5924
Private secretary fax 0113 266 3716
Private secretary email maria.pickersgill@spirehealthcare.com