Mr Gerard Kelly

Mr Gerard Kelly

Consultant ENT surgeon


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Specialises in

  • Sinus surgery
  • Tonsillectomy
  • Otology
  • Bell's Palsy
  • General ENT problems

I am a Consultant ENT Surgeon at Spire Leeds Hospital and specialise in adult and children’s surgery and the non-surgical management of non-cancerous ear, nose and throat (ENT) conditions. I have a special interest in complex ear conditions and I am a pioneer of minimally invasive endoscopic ear surgery as well as microscopic middle ear and mastoid surgery. I treat complex skull base conditions including acoustic neuromas. I carry out keyhole, minimally invasive sinus surgery, including balloon sinuplasty treatment. I am a member of the Association of Tongue Tie Practitioners and carry out tongue tie division procedures as an ‘office procedure’ without the need for a general anaesthetic in infants.

I have been a Consultant ENT and Skull Base Surgeon in Leeds since 2001. As well as a surgeon with a busy clinical practice I am an honorary lecturer in otolaryngology at the University of Leeds. I have completed a Masters of Education degree and teach junior doctors and medical students regularly. I have a sub-specialist and general ENT practice for adults and children’s surgery and the medical treatment of ENT conditions.

I trained in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London and carried out a fellowship year in neuro-otology under Professor R T Ramsden in Manchester. My MD thesis was in research on the facial nerve. I researched the training of junior ENT surgeons in my Masters of Education degree. I keep all patients’ medical notes encrypted on computer (data protection compliant) and therefore when I see a patient I never suffer the previously common problem of not having the medical notes instantly available. I try to treat every patient like I would want to be treated myself and how they wish to be treated.

I am a former Clinical Director of ENT at the Leeds Teaching Hospital and was the Otology Section Editor for the ENT UK e-learning programme. I am an Associate Medical Director at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

I have a significant medico-legal practice and have carried out reports and opinions for the police, the coroner and frequently give opinions on negligence cases as well as personal injury and noise induced deafness cases.


General Medical Council Number: 3470303

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Gerard Kelly at Spire include:

Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)

Other treatments

  • Major ear surgery including repair of ear drum perforations and cholesteatoma surgery
  • Surgery to restore hearing including stapedectomy and bone anchored hearing aid surgery
  • Surgery and medical treatment for glue ear and children’s ear conditions
  • Surgery and medical treatment of otitis externa (swimmer ear / dermatitis of the ear and ear canal) Surgery and medical treatment of acoustic neuromas
  • Treatment of nasal allergy, nasal polyps and sinusitis including FESS and balloon sinuplasty
  • Surgery for nasal obstruction including septoplasty and turbinectomy
  • Treatment of balance disorders and Meniere’s syndrome (including chemical and bony labyrinthectomy and endolymphatic sac decompression)
  • Treatment of globus and disorders of swallowing including pharyngeal pouch endoscopic surgery Treatment of dysphonia (hoarseness) including laryngeal microsurgery

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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Leeds Hospital.


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Additional information

Ear, nose and throat
Balance disorders
Head and neck surgery
Hearing loss
Paediatric otolaryngology

Special clinical interests: Balloon sinuplasty; Otology; Neuro-otology; Acoustic neuromas; Paediatric ENT; Childhood ear infections; Nasal allergy; Balance disorders; Vertigo; Hearing loss; Deafness; Otosclerosis; Tympanic membrane perforation (ear drum perforation); Sinusitis; Nasal blockage; Tonsillitis; Globus; Swallowing problems; Pharyngeal pouch; Hoarseness.

MB ChB / Glasgow / 1990
Batchelor of Medicine, Batchelor of Surgery

MD / Edinburgh / 2002
Doctor of Medicine

MEd / Leeds / 2007
Master of Education

FRCS (Surgery) / Edinburgh / 1994
Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons

FRCS (Otolaryngology) / Edinburgh / 1996
Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons

FRCS (ORL-HNS) / Edinburgh / 1999
Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons

Professional memberships

British Association of Otolaryngologists

Head and Neck Surgeons


British Association of Otolaryngologists

North of England Otolaryngology Society

Consultant ENT Surgeon, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust.

Honorary lecturer in otolaryngology, University of Leeds.

I have three wonderful small children (two girls and a boy) who keep me occupied. When I am not doing clinical work, I like to play tennis and golf and I have even started taking an interest in the garden!

Mr Gerard Kelly owns 100% of an Amplicox Otovave 102 used at Spire Leeds Hospital. Holds less than 0.1% of the issued share capital of Spire Healthcare Group plc.