Mr Simon Charlett

Consultant ENT Surgeon


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Specialises in

  • Ear, nose and throat conditions
  • Sinus surgery
  • Earwax removal
  • Surgery to improve nasal blockage
  • Repair of perforated ear drum

I am a Consultant ENT surgeon, and in the NHS I work at Calderdale Royal Hospital and Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. I trained in Yorkshire and following this I gained more specialised experience by undertaking ENT fellowships in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia.

I frequently manage a range of ENT symptoms and conditions.

For the throat and neck: tonsillitis; snoring; lump in throat and throat irritation; post nasal drip; voice disorders; salivary gland diseases; swallowing difficulties; diagnosis of throat and neck cancers; treatment of non-cancerous neck lumps; tongue tie release.

For the nose and sinuses: sinusitis; nasal polyps; nasal blockage; runny nose; loss of sense of smell; hay fever and other nasal allergies.

For the ear: wax build-up; dizziness; ear infections; hearing loss; tinnitus; perforated ear drum; skin lesions on the ear; protruding ears.


General Medical Council Number: 4708326

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Simon Charlett at Spire include:

Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)

Other treatments

  • Ear pinning (pinnaplasty)
  • Endoscopic sinus surgery
  • Endoscopic throat examination
  • Mastoid surgery
  • Nasal allergy testing
  • Nasal polypectomy
  • Palatoplasty (for snoring)
  • Turbinate reduction (surgery to improve nasal blockage)
  • Tympanoplasty (repair of perforated ear drum)

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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Leeds Hospital.


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Additional information

BSc / University of St. Andrews / 1997
Medical Sciences

MBChB / University of Manchester / 2000
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

Professional memberships


ENT Consultant at Calderdale Royal Hospital and Huddersfield Royal Infirmary