Access to our cancer services

If you have been diagnosed with cancer or have a relative or friend that has, it will be important for you to know the options available for treatment and how to access them. You may be seeking a second opinion or a greater understanding of your diagnosis. Our Macmillan accredited chemotherapy centre can offer you the very best treatment possible in a comfortable, caring and supportive environment with your care delivered by an experienced oncology team.

How do I access treatment?

Referrals for treatment at Spire Leeds Hospital’s chemotherapy centre are made through your GP or through your hospital consultant.

After the first consultation with the oncologist, if you require treatment, you will have a pre-chemotherapy assessment appointment with one of our specialist nurses. The nurse will discuss what treatment is involved, how to manage any side effects and give written information packs as well as an alert chemotherapy card. You will also be given 24 hour contact numbers.

Our chemotherapy unit provides intravenous, oral and subcutaneous chemotherapy, biphosphanates and other anti-cancer treatments such as monoclonial antibodies, for example, Herceptin, Avastin and Cetuximab.

You can be treated in our hospital even if you don't have private medical insurance. With fixed price agreed in advance and through the "top up" system for additional drugs not available in the NHS such as Avastin.

The service currently delivers approximately 1,300 doses of chemotherapy treatment a year, to patients who have private medical insurance and patients who opt to pay for their treatment.

 Spire Leeds Hospital is a colorectal and breast cancer accredited centre and has been awarded the Macmillan Quality Environment Mark. Our chemotherapy service also follows local NHS cancer related guidelines.

We are registered with and regulated by Care Quality Commission and inspected regularly. In addition, Spire Healthcare also reviews clinical standards through regular internal audit.

Chemotherapy centre at Spire L…

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