Dr Ameera Zumla

Dr Ameera Zumla

Consultant Clinical Psychologist

BSc, MSc, DClinPsych

Specialises in

  • Children, young people and families
  • Health and medical psychology
  • Neurodevelopmental issues
  • Neurodiverse assessments for ASD
  • Anxiety, depression, OCD, feeding, body image, self-esteem/confidence

Languages spoken

English, Urdu, Gujarati, Hindi

I am a registered Consultant Clinical Psychologist with a Masters in Health Psychology from the University of Nottingham and intensive Clinical Psychology Doctoral training from the University of Manchester. With over 20 years of experience in the NHS, I have worked in various tertiary hospitals, including Birmingham and Manchester Children’s Hospital. Since 2018, I have been working at Spire Leicester Hospital and have more recently joined Dr. Arif Khan, Consultant Neurologist and Founder/Director  of Neuropaedia and Kids Clinic Dubai. I hold qualifications that enable me to draw upon a range of integrative evidence-based models (according to NICE guidelines), including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Autism assessments (ADOS 2), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Family therapy (systemic approaches), Health Psychology/well-being, Mindfulness, Triple-P positive parenting, and Early Bird.

I offer 'gold standard' ASD assessments, which involves four stages:

Stage 1: An initial screening assessment lasting approximately two hours to determine if a full neurodiverse diagnostic assessment for ASD is appropriate. I consider factors such as ADHD, mental health, cognitive ability, and other systemic factors. I also explore presenting issues, history/developmental history, and attachment, using screening measures as appropriate.

Stage 2: Information gathering and liaison with the school, including reviewing any existing reports (if available).

Stage 3: The diagnostic part of the assessment process, involving ASD standardized tests using diagnostic tools like the ADOS. This usually takes up to two hours, including feedback to the parents.  

Stage 4: Post-diagnostic support for parents, the young person, and therapy if deemed appropriate. If ADHD assesments are needed, I will refer to  my Consultant Colleague and we provide MDT care accordingly 

I am passionate about sharing my knowledge, which includes teaching and training at the University of Leicester Doctoral programme for over 15 years (also serving on their monthly diversity panel) and teaching Qualified Consultants and GPs. I also provide seminars for schools and the community in Leicester and Leicestershire and support the Patient Participation Group (PPG) GP surgery in Leicester.


General Medical Council Number: 1908546

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Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Ameera Zumla at Spire include:


Other treatments

I provide specialist psychological assessments, formulations, interventions and holistic care for young people, adults and families for a range of psychological, emotional and physical/medical health issues including:

  • Adherence to medication
  • Child behavioural problems, family issues/parenting issues
  • Coping and adjusting to health/medical conditions (please see examples in clinical interests section)
  • Feeding/eating issues
  • Long term COVID-19 and adjustment
  • Pain management

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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Leicester Hospital.


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Additional information

Clinical psychology

I have a specialist interest in health and medical psychology and I provide holistic psychological consultations and interventions for a variety of health and medical issues such as: Long term COVID-19/post viral adjustment, neurology, endocrine, medically unexplained symptoms, gastro/bowel disease, cardiology, neonatology, pain management, eczema, asthma, and diabetes.

BSc in Human Psychology / Leicester / 2001
Bachelor of Science

Msc in Health Psychology / Nottingham / 2005
Masters in Health Psychology

DClinPsych / Manchester / 2008
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology

Professional memberships

British Psychological Society

Health and Care Professions Council

Telephone 07856 317 878
Email drzumla.a@gmail.com
Private secretary Makalia Cunningham
Private secretary telephone 07546 953 260
Private secretary email office.drzumla@gmail.com