Dr Rajesh Chelliah

Dr Rajesh Chelliah

Consultant Cardiologist


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Specialises in

  • Pacemakers, defibrillators, resynchronisation devices
  • Chest pains/shortness of breath and heart valve disease
  • Palpitations/dizziness/funny turns
  • Blood pressure/Well Man check
  • Dr Chelliah sees adults only

I was appointed as Consultant Cardiologist in 2016 having completed my training in the East Midlands South Deanery. On completion of my training I chose to remain at Glenfield Hospital – it being the regional tertiary cardiac referral centre.

My expertise can be divided broadly into two categories: advanced echocardiography and advanced cardiac device implantation for cardiac rhythm disorders.

Advanced echocardiography: I perform transthoracic echocardiogram, dobutamine and exercise stress echocardiogram, transesophageal echocardiogram, 3D echo, contrast echo, strain analysis echo and cardiac device optimization echo. This includes the assessment for coronary artery disease, structural cardiac problems and also valve disease assessment and follow-up. I therefore look after patients with ischaemic heart disease, valve disease, cardiomyopathy and heart failure and provide expert advice to referring clinicians. I am fully accredited by the British Society of Echocardiography and have also passed the American Society of Echocardiography exam.

Cardiac device implantation: I am also an expert in implanting cardiac pacemakers, implantable cardioverter defibrillator,cardiac resynchronisation therapy devices, implantable loop recorders. I have performed in excess of 1,000 device implantations in total. I am also an expert in lead/device extraction and also lead this busy regional service in the Trust. I therefore see patients who have heart rhythm disorders who require a pacemaker and patients who have heart failure/cardiomyopathy who may require a defibrillator/cardiac resynchronisation device.

I am currently the lead for acute cardiology at Glenfield Hospital in charge of our Clinical Decisions Unit. I am also lead cardiologist for the regional NHS cardiac lead/device extraction programme.


General Medical Council Number: 6053835

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Rajesh Chelliah at Spire include:


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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Leicester Hospital.


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Additional information

Atrial fibrillation
Coronary artery disease
Stroke prevention

MBCHB / University of Dundee / 2002
Bachelors of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

MRCP / Royal college of Physicians / 2005
Member of the Royal College of Physicians

BSE / UK / 2016
Accreditation by the British Society of Echocardiography for Advanced Echocardiography

Professional memberships

Member of the Royal college of Physicians

Member of the British Cardiovascular Society

Member of the British Society of Echocardiography

Member of the European Society of Cardiology

Member of the European Heart Rhythm Association

Consultant Cardiologist, Glenfield Hospital, University Hospitals of Leicester.

I live in Leicester with my wife Nadia who is a High School teacher specialising in physics. I enjoy reading and travelling in my free time. I have a twin brother who is also a Consultant Cardiologist working in Hull - not many twin cardiologists in the world, I imagine!

Telephone 0116 265 3685
Private secretary Amanda Rangassamy
Private secretary telephone 07875 700 542
Private secretary email amandarangassamy@gmail.com