Spire Leicester Hospital radiology technician shares her enthusiasm for her role as part of the BBC Bitesize School Tour

13 October 2023

  • Presentation encouraged 600 11–16-year-olds to choose a career in science

A radiology practitioner from Spire Leicester Hospital who features in the Technicians Gallery exhibition at London’s Science Museum, has spoken to children at Anstey Martin High School in Leicester, encouraging them to pursue a technician career of their own.

Speaking to approximately 600 Leicester pupils as part of the BBC’s 2023 Bitesize School Tour, Kelly Greaney explained how her varied career path including hospital housekeeping, nursery nursing and being an optician’s assistant, all helped build experience for when she found her technician role as a radiology assistant practitioner at Spire Healthcare, which she now loves.

“It’s okay to not have it all figured out,” said Kelly. “There is nothing wrong with trying different jobs and courses, as all of them will build your skills. A good level of experience will develop your communication skills and help you know when you have found the right job for you. Some apprenticeships like those available from Spire Healthcare can also allow you to learn while you earn.”

Giving advice and answering questions as part of an on-stage panel, Kelly spoke about the benefits of being adaptive, embracing new opportunities and learning from them, and using daily activities and sports to build social skills.

Kelly said: “This was a great opportunity to work with BBC Bitesize to help educate, excite and encourage young people to take up technician-based careers. I enjoyed sharing my experience of how it’s important to be curious and motivated, but also remain open to new ideas and opportunities. These technicians of tomorrow should be confident that support and guidance is available, as are the roles if they seek them out. Personally, I’d encourage anyone, whatever their background and interests, to consider a career in radiology.”

Kelly Greaney, a radiology assistant practitioner at Spire Leicester Hospital, visited Anstey Martin High to encourage almost 600 pupils to choose a career in science

Kelly from North West Leicester is one of 100 technicians from across the UK who were selected to be featured in the museum’s Technicians Gallery. You can learn about Kelly’s story and those of other technicians featured in the Science Museum’s Technician’s Gallery.

BBC Bitesize is a free online study support resource designed to help with learning, revision and homework. Bitesize provides support for learners aged 3 to 16+ across a wide range of school subjects and supports children and young people’s wellbeing and career choices.

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