We are sponsoring the Memory Lane Café at The National Memorial Arboretum

23 January 2020

Memory Lane Café at The National Memorial Arboretum gets a welcome boost from Spire Little Aston Hospital.

Memory Lane Cafe at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) has been running for the past two years and during that time has engaged over 100 people living with dementia, and their carers. This important activity has become a cornerstone of the Arboretum’s public engagement programme, and its ongoing popularity is a testament to the support and engagement of the team of staff and volunteers who develop and deliver the sessions. As a charity, the Arboretum works hard to generate income to support such activity, and to ensure that it remains accessible to as many people as possible. To date, the NMA have trained over 170 staff, volunteers and NMA Friends to be Dementia Friends.

This year, we will be supporting Memory Lane Café on an ongoing basis, providing valuable financial support to enable the NMA to continue this important work. Spire’s donation will continue to provide Memory Lane Café sessions which are accessible and engaging, supporting the development of resources and enabling the Arboretum to continue to engage socially excluded older people. The Arboretum is a passionate advocate of support for those living with dementia and other life-limiting conditions.

Paula Kovaks, Interim Learning & Participation Manager said, “We recognise the value of a site such as ours in engaging those who may be at risk of social isolation.  Through support from organisations such as Spire Little Aston, we are able to continue this hugely important work.”

Pictured: Louise Glover, Marketing Manager Spire Little Aston; Philippa Graty, Fundraising Officer and Helen Hajri, Bed Manager and Ward Clerk Team Leader at Spire Little Aston Hospital.


Louise Glover, Marketing Manager at Spire Healthcare said, “We’re delighted to be working with the National Memorial Arboretum to deliver these really valuable sessions for people living with dementia, and their carers. All our staff will be busy raising funds for the charity throughout the year by organising activities such as bake sales, raffles and staff social events.”

Memory Lane Café is held at The National Memorial Arboretum – a monthly reminiscence café, Memory Lane, will provide a forum for people living with dementia, their carers, and their friends and family. Memory Lane Café provides an opportunity for people living with dementia and memory loss, accompanied by their family and/or carers to visit a safe and understanding environment.

Each session is themed and utilises images and objects to stimulate the recall of experiences.

Event Booking Form


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Book to attend the Memory Lane Café

Those wishing to attend Memory Lane Café, please book a place as space at the sessions is limited.

Enquire by phone
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