From the moment I came to the Eye Clinic at Little Aston I was met with kindness and consideration. There was expert care and lots of humour and reassurance from the Nurses. Mr Calladine was kindness itself.

Denise Lomas

I had cataracts in both lenses present for at least ten years, but in April 2017 they quite suddenly became much worse. I was struggling to read unless the font was enlarged. I had to give up knitting and could only work my cross stitch with a large magnifying glass.

I was referred to Mr Calladine by my optician. He was of the opinion that he, Mr Calladine, was the best choice and he was right.

From the moment I came to the Eye Clinic at Little Aston, I was met with kindness and consideration. There was expert care and lots of humour and reassurance from the nurses. Mr Calladine was kindness itself. He explained everything in understandable detail and assured me that I would have perfect sight, only requiring reading glasses. He reckoned that he could take the cataract out and put a new lens in, in about ten minutes. I didn’t believe him but, my word, he was right.

The surgery was amazing. It started with the anaesthetic and I can honestly say that I didn’t feel anything at all. During the procedure, Mr Calladine talked me through what he was doing and reassured me constantly that all was going well. He was right about the ten minutes and I was on my way back to the clinic for tea and toast before I knew what was happening. The post-operative care was thorough and kind. In fact, on both days I had a very good time of it.

I recovered so quickly. When I took the patch off on each occasion I was stunned at the clarity of vision and improved colour, but it was the clarity that was so striking. I could see the raindrops on the tree branches, the birds on the feeders and my cross stitch was as clear as a bell (needed a £2 pair of reading specs from Amazon but that was all). No pain or anxiety.

I live alone and managed perfectly. The instructions about the drops were clear and there was a chart so nothing got mixed up or left out. I was able to drive straight away after the second cataract, I expect I could have driven after the first, but the vision was still blurred on the other side so decided to be sensible. The pleasure of being able to see clearly and feel safe on the road was huge, as was the pleasure of reading and close up work.

My vision, almost exactly a year on, is perfect. I wear glasses for reading as I expected, but don’t need them for anything else.

I can drive safely and have been getting back to shopping and visiting friends and family. I can read normal font sizes. I am so enjoying my craft work. Even after a year, I am still amazed at the detail and clarity of everything that I see.

I would like to say again a special thank you to Mr Calladine for his kind care and exquisite expertise and to all the nurses and staff for their professional and considerate care and attention to the whole person and not just to a pair of eyes.