Mr Nicholas Beare

Mr Nicholas Beare

Consultant Ophthalmologist

MA, MB ChB, FRCOphth, MD

Specialises in

  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Diabetic eye disease
  • Uveitis and macular disease

I am a member of The Liverpool Eye Clinic based at Spire Liverpool Hospital. I am a specialist in treating people with retinal conditions, including AMD, diabetic eye disease, uveitis and macular disease. I strive to ensure patients have an understanding of their condition and treatment options.

I have extensive experience in the assessment of ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ AMD, and in the treatment of wet AMD with injectable medicines such as Lucentis and Eylea. I am a member of the national NICE AMD guidelines committee. I also specialise in small-incision cataract surgery and the effect of medical conditions on the eye including inflammatory conditions (uveitis).

I qualified from Cambridge (pre-clinical studies) and Edinburgh Universities (clinical training). I undertook specialist training in ophthalmology at Bristol Eye Hospital and St Paul’s Eye Unit, Liverpool. In addition I worked in Malawi for three years culminating in a thesis on Malarial Retinopathy which was awarded an MD by the University of Liverpool. I continue research on malaria, and am also involved in international trials of new treatments for AMD, Uveitis and Diabetic Eye Disease.

My NHS practice is in the position of Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital where I am Lead Clinician for the AMD service. I also provide a general ophthalmology service, including cataract surgery. I strive to ensure patients have a full understanding of their condition and treatment options.


General Medical Council Number: 4121545

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Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Nicholas Beare at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Blepharoplasty
  • Central Serous Chorioretinopathy
  • Diabetic eye disease - assessment and laser treatment
  • Eyelid cyst excision
  • Out/in-turning eyelid (Ectropion/Entropion) repair
  • Photodynamic therapy

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Liverpool Hospital.


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Additional information

Cataract surgery
Diabetic eye disease
Macular degeneration

MA / Cambridge University / 1991
Medical Sciences

MB ChB / University of Edinburgh / 1994
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

FRCOphth / London / 1998
Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Professional memberships

Medical Retina Group

Yorkshire Retina Society

International Uveitis Study Group

Royal College of Ophthalmologists

North of England Ophthalmological Society

Professional leadership

Clinical Lead for AMD, Royal Liverpool University Hospital
Nice AMD Clinical Guidelines Development Committee

Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Liverpool.

Royal Liverpool University Hospital NHS Trust.

I live in south Liverpool with my wife and three children. I enjoy cycling and running and getting out into the countryside with the family.

Telephone 0151 522 1881
Private secretary Pauline Lybert
Private secretary telephone 0151 522 1859
Private secretary email