Mr  Samuel Leong

Mr Samuel Leong

Consultant ENT Surgeon


Specialises in

  • Allergy
  • Ear, nose and throat
  • Balloon sinuplasty treatment
  • Septoplasty surgery
  • Sinus operation (FESS)

I am Merseyside's premier endoscopic sinus and nasal surgeon, based at Aintree University Hospital since 2015. I manage a variety of sinonasal problems; from a blocked nose due to a deviated septum or nasal allergy to extensive nasal polyps. I am the only surgeon in Liverpool to offer sinus surgery for hard-to-manage chronic sinusitis and frontal sinuses.

My clinical practice is focused entirely on nasal and sinus problems. I specialise in chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, revision sinus surgery (including frontal sinus), nasal tumours, watery eye and smell disorders. I am a highly trained and nationally recognised endoscopic sinonasal surgeon. I do not maintain a cosmetic or functional rhinoplasty practice.

My scope of practice at Spire Liverpool Hospital benefits from being a high-volume endoscopic sinus surgeon in the NHS. I have extensive experience in chronic sinusitis, frontal sinus surgery, managing nasal tumours and skull base problems such as CSF leaks.

I am on the organising or teaching faculty of multiple frontal sinus and endoscopic sinus surgery teaching courses in the UK and Europe.


General Medical Council Number: 6030970

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Samuel Leong at Spire include:


Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)

Other treatments

  • Full-House Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) and Revision FESS
  • Endoscopic frontal sinus surgery
  • Endoscopic frontal sinus drillout (Endoscopic Modified Lothrop Procedure)
  • Endoscopic turbinate reduction surgery
  • Endoscopic vidian neurectomy
  • Cryotherapy/ cryoablation for chronic rhinitis
  • Endoscopic resection of nasal tumours
  • Smell testing and training
  • Nasal cautery or Coblation for Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia 

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Liverpool Hospital.


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We will use your personal information to process your enquiry. For further information, please see our privacy policy.

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Additional information

Ear, nose and throat

Special clinical interests: Sinus surgery.

University of Dundee / MBChB / 2001
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

MPhil / Cardiff University / 2010
Master of Philosophy

FRCS(ORL-HNS) / Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh / 2012
Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons in Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery

Professional memberships

British Rhonological Society

Professional leadership

Deputy Clinical Director for ENT department at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Honorary Treasurer for the British Rhinological Society
Lead Consultant of the Liverpool Rhinology Fellowship training programme

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

I live locally and have a regular but happy lifestyle centred around family, home and the vegetable garden.