BSc, MBBS, FRCP (UK-Lond), FRCP (Ire), FRCPE, MSc (card-distn), MD, FESC
Specialises in
Languages spoken
Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu
I specialise in stroke prevention, hypertension, coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, heart disease, general cardiology.
I completed my early general internal medicine training under Oxfordshire deanery. Followed by higher training from Cambridge and mainly London deaneries. Did MRCPs from RCP London and Ireland [1999]. Passed MSc in Cardiology from NHLI [National Heart Lung Institute], Imperial College, London with a distinction in 2001. I did my MD from NHLI- Imperial College - London based at Royal Brompton Hospital [2001-2004].
I successfully completed accreditation examinations for both British and European echocardiography examination and specialist registrar training posts in cardiology at Heart Hospital, St Peter's and Ashford Hospital and Frimley Park Hospitals. I did my acute medicine and high dependency training at Charing Cross Hospital [Imperial NHS Trust] and stroke medicine training at Hemel Hempstead Hospital. I completed my higher general internal medicine training at Northwick Park Hospital, Hemel Hampstead, St Peter's, Frimley Park, and Charing Cross Hospitals.
I presented at British, European and American cardiology society conferences. I have written book chapters on Acute Coronary Syndrome along with Cleveland, USA cardiologist. I worked as Consultant of Medical High Dependency Unit and CCU at Charing Cross Hospital and then moved to St Barts NHS Trust in 2010. I did advanced courses in nuclear cardiology from Imperial College [Royal Brompton] and got accreditation in Cardiac CT angiogram by BSCI and SCCT [USA]. I was Director of PASTEST MRCP course from 2008-2012 and Lecturer before that for six years. I completed research projects in cardiovascular medicine and published papers in peer review journals.
I have recently been appointed to regional specialty advisor for cardiology for the Oxford region.
In addition to English, I am fluent with Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu.
Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Anil K Taneja at Spire include:
Other treatments
COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire London East Hospital.
FRCP [London-UK] / RCP-London / 1999
Fellowship of Royal College of Physicians
MRCP [Ire] / RCP [Ire] / 1999
Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians (UK) Diploma
MSc [Cardiology - distinction] and Diploma Imperial College-Cardiology / Imperial College- London University / 2001
The Master of Science
MD [Cardiology] / Royal Brompton-Imperial College- London University / 2006
Doctorate of Medicine
British Society of Echocardiography Accreditation / BSE- UK / 2008
British Society of Echocardiography Accreditation
European Echocardiography accreditation / EAE- France / 2011
European Echocardiography accreditation
FRCP [Edin] / Royal college of Physicians- Edinburgh / 2015
Fellowship of Royal College of Physicians
Cardiac CT accreditation / ritish Society of Cardiac Imaging and SCCT-USA / 2014
Cardiac CT accreditation
FESC / Fellowship - European Society of cardiologist / 2015
Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology
Royal College of Physicians [London]
Royal College of Physicians [Ireland]
British Medical Association
British Cardiac Society
British Society of Echocardiography
British Society of Cardiovascular Imaging
Society of Acute Medicine
British Cardiac Society
European Society of Cardiologist
European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI)
Society of Cardiac CT (USA)
Clinical Improvement group (CIG) Lead for Cardiology Dept at Whipps Cross Hospital
On panel for clinical standards Cardiology - BCS
Whipps Cross University (Barts Health NHS Trust)