Mr Kesava Reddy Mannur

Mr Kesava Reddy Mannur

Consultant Bariatric Surgeon


I was a consultant surgeon at the Homerton University Hospital, London and Royal London hospital. I have been performing bariatric surgery since 1998 and Laparoscopic surgery since 1990. Having established bariatric surgery in Homerton in 2003 and been director of bariatric surgery until 2017, I developed it into one of the largest internationally reputed bariatric surgery departments in the country. 

I have a special interest in upper GI and laparoscopic surgery and obesity surgery.

I perform about 6-8 obesity surgeries a week. I have performed over 6,500 bariatric procedures, mostly gastric bypasses and sleeves and revisional surgeries for weight gain - band to sleeve, gastric bypass or Duodenal Switch (SADI),  sleeve to gastric bypass, Duodenal Switch (SADI), gastric bypass to Duodenal switch (SADI).

I have conducted six two-day Homerton Bariatric Surgery Symposium with international faculty and live surgeries for national and international bariatric surgeons; this became very popular for surgeons to get knowledge from the best in the world. I also conducted seven two-day Homerton Bariatric surgery training courses for aspiring bariatric surgeons, nurses and dietitians.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Kesava Reddy Mannur at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Banded gastric bypass
  • Mini gastric bypass

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire London East Hospital.


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Additional information

Special clinical interests: Weight loss surgery including; laparoscopic gastric banding, gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy/gastric sleeve surgery, duodenal switch, Fobi ring, minimizer ring banded bypass, revisional surgery - band to bypass or sleeve, gallstones (laparoscopic cholecystectomy), laparoscopic fundoplication (to resolve heartburn and reflux).

Obesity, gastro oesophageal reflux (heartburn) and advanced laparoscopic surgery, NOTES and scarless surgery

Consultant Surgeon, Homerton University Hospital, London.

I am married with four children. In my spare time, I am a member of "Sahaj Seva Samsthan" a service-oriented organisation in India. As part of its work for the community, this organisation is involved in running two free schools for children, including those with learning difficulties.

I am also very involved in the organisation's project to provide a hospital for the people of Hyderabad that offers affordable, low-cost medical services.

My other interest is meditation. I have been practicing over three decades, and am now involved in training others in the art of meditation.

Telephone Spire London East: 020 8709 7817
Private secretary Anila
Private secretary telephone 0208 989 8702