Mr Manu Sood

Mr Manu Sood

Consultant Plastic and Hand Surgeon

MS, MCh (Plast), FRCS (Plast)

Specialises in

  • Breast surgery
  • Body contouring
  • Facial surgery including ear pinning and nose reshaping
  • Mole removal and skin cancers
  • Hand surgery

I am a consultant cosmetic (plastic) surgeon. I offer cosmetic surgery procedures including breast augmentation, breast reduction, facelift, neck lift, brow lift, liposuction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty (cosmetic eye surgery), anti-wrinkle injection treatment and fillers.

I'm also a specialist hand surgeon, specialising in nerve surgery, hand reconstruction (after injury and congenital abnormalities) and Dupuytren's contracture.

I also work as a consultant plastic surgeon at the internationally renowned St Andrews Centre for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Chelmsford, Essex, where my special interests include facial reconstruction following skin cancer surgery, breast reconstruction surgery, complex hand and microsurgery, and a full range of cosmetic surgery procedures.

I trained extensively in plastic surgery both in the UK and overseas before becoming a consultant in the NHS. I was Clinical Tutor in Plastic Surgery for three years (2002-2005) and was responsible for the training of plastic surgeons prior to them obtaining a consultant post.

I am co-founder of the prestigious Mentor Cosmetic Fellowship. This is one of two such posts in the UK for the most senior trainees in plastic surgery who wish to learn the art and craft of cosmetic surgery, before they become consultants in their own right and commence private practice. In addition, I am an examiner for the British Society for Surgery of the Hand and have published papers in plastic surgery and hand surgery medical journals.

I welcome enquiries regarding my practice, consultations and clinic availability at Spire Hartswood Hospital and Spire London East Hospital.


General Medical Council Number: 4280879

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Manu Sood at Spire include:

Cosmetic surgery

Paediatric - plastic surgery

Other treatments

  • Cosmetic surgery: body, breasts, ears, eyes, face, genitals, non-surgical procedures, nose
  • Plastic surgery: breast surgery, cosmetic breast surgery, facial surgery, hand surgery, non-surgical cosmetic treatment, reconstructive surgery
  • Orthopaedic surgery: finger joint replacement, thumb joint replacement, trapeziectomy, cubital tunnel syndrome, excision of hand tumours

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire London East Hospital.


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Additional information

Cosmetic surgery
Hand surgery
Skin cancer

Special Clinical Interests: Skin cancer surgery, Pilonidal sinus surgery

Professional memberships

Member of British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS)

Member of British Society for Surgery of the Hand

International Member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

International Member of the American Society of Surgery for the Hand

Consultant Plastic and Hand Surgeon, St Andrews Centre, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford

Medical Director, Mid and South Essex NHS Trust for Plastic Surgery and Dermatology

Consultant Plastic and Hand Surgeon, Barking, Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust

I am married with three children. My hobbies include golf, tennis, skiing, fine art, and an interest in fine wine.

Holds less than 0.1% of the shares in Spire Healthcare Group plc.