Dr Manohar Deshpande

Dr Manohar Deshpande


FRCP (Lond), FRCP (Edin)

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Specialises in

I am a Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist. I received my training at the Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Liverpool.

Clinical neurophysiology is a diagnostic specialty that provides support to a range of medical professionals in arriving at a diagnosis. The diagnosis is based on a number of simple tests that are called nerve conduction studies and EMG (electromyography). These tests help in evaluation of the peripheral nervous system.

The common conditions that can be diagnosed by these tests include, carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy and other muscle/nerve disorders.

General Medical Council Number: 4466839

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Manohar Deshpande at Spire include:

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Manchester Hospital.


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Additional information


Peripheral nerve disorders - entrapment neuropathies, nerve injuries and neuromuscular disorders.

Consultant Neurophysiologist, St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

Holds less than 0.1% of the shares in Spire Healthcare Group plc Owns 100% of NCS equipment used at Spire Healthcare Owns 100% of Viking Quest NCS/EMG used at Spire Healthcare Owns 100% of Cadwell EMB Sierra Summit Ultrasound used at Spire Healthcare
Telephone 0151 929 5408 (Wirral) / 01978268035 (Yale)
Email info@spirewirral.com (Wirral) / info@spireyale.com (Yale)
Private secretary Christine Davies
Private secretary telephone 01925 710401
Private secretary email christine@ammedical.co.uk