Dr Sanjeet Kamath

Dr Sanjeet Kamath

Consultant Rheumatologist


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Specialises in

  • Management of connective tissue diseases
  • SLE and vasculitis
  • Early inflammatory arthritis

I have been a full time Rheumatologist since December 2003. My special interest and expertise is in management of connective tissue diseases like Sjogrens, SLE and vasculitis. I also have keen clinical interest in early inflammatory arthritis and do a weekly EIA and CTD clinics in my NHS practice.

I moved to Salford Royal Hospital in June 2016 having worked as a Consultant Rheumatologist for 13 years at Haywood Hospital Stoke on Trent. I have special interest in connective tissue diseases (CTD) and vasculitis. I led the connective tissue disease services at Haywood Hospital and set up the combined renal - rheumatology clinic. I was PI for clinical trials in vasculitis, SLE, and Sjogrens. My other clinical interest has been early inflammatory arthritis (EIA) and worked with colleagues in Haywood Hospital to implement EIA.

Since moving to Salford Royal Hospital, I have been involved in developing CTD services. As Salford already has an established tertiary level service for systemic sclerosis and myositis, I have been involved in management of vasculitis and CTDs - SLE and Sjogrens. We set up the weekly combined Renal - Rheumatology Clinic. I provide expert input to vasculitis MDT with Renal and ENT vasculitis colleagues. I do weekly CTD clinics. I am a member of the Regional GCA panel that reviews Tocilizumab therapy for patients with GCA. I also do a weekly EIA clinic. I have been involved in clinical trials for vasculitis since joining the Trust.

I have keen interest in education and teaching. I have been TSTL for rheumatology and have worked closely with colleagues to address training issues. I am Mental Health and Wellbeing champion for Rheumatology. I am Associate FPD for Year 1 and SFP lead. I have been in this role for over five years. FY1 is probably the most challenging transition for F1 doctors, and I have enjoyed supporting F1s through this critical period. I lecture on CTD topics for Allied Health Professional courses run by Keele University.

I had a CTD service in Haywood Hospital, Stoke on Trent from Dec 2003 to 2016 and led recruitment to various national clinical trials in CTD and vasculitis. I now provide expert advice on CTDS - SLE, Sjogrens and vasculitis at Salford Care Organisation.


General Medical Council Number: 4745053

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Sanjeet Kamath at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Intramuscular corticosteroid injections
  • Soft tissue injections including bursa
  • Tendon sheath injections

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Manchester Hospital.


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Additional information

FRCP / United Kingdom / 2008
Fellow of Royal College of Physicians

CCST / West Midlands, United Kingdom / 2004
Certificate of Completion of Specialist training in Rheumatology

MRCP / United Kingdom / 1999
Member of Royal College of Physicians

MD / University of Mumbai, India / 1996
Doctor of Medicine (General Medicine),

MBBS / University of Mumbai, India / 1991
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

Professional memberships

British Society for Rheumatology

Royal College of Physicians

Professional leadership

Trust Specialty Training Lead (TSTL), Rheumatology, Salford Care Organisation, NCA
Associate FPD ( Year 1 lead) and SFP Lead
Honorary Clinical Lecturer ( Teaching)

My wife and I enjoy cooking, walking and gardening. I play bridge at a local bridge club and this helps me to keep my brain active and also meet and socialise with people.

My older son enjoys climbing and I go weekly with him to an indoor climbing wall. It's really fun as he is the expert and helps me to improve. My younger son loves sports in general and gives me many opportunities to spend time with him.

Private secretary Michelle Taylor
Private secretary telephone 07863 251 926
Private secretary email info@orthteamcentre.co.uk