Mr Andrew Lavender

Mr Andrew Lavender

Consultant Knee Surgeon

MB BS, FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Specialises in

  • Robotic knee replacement
  • Total, partial and patellofemoral knee replacement
  • Knee ligament injuries and reconstructions
  • Meniscal/cartilage surgery and repair
  • Adolescent knee injuries and surgery

I have been a Consultant Knee Surgeon for 19 years. My entire practice is devoted to knee surgery at Spire Manchester Hospital. I have performed over 1,000 total knee replacements, 1,000 anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions and 5,000 knee arthroscopies.

I am very interested in how well my patients recover after their surgery. I wish to learn from their experiences so that I can improve my care and treatment in the future, therefore I enter all of my joint replacements into the National Joint Registry. I also employ a company, Amplitude, who independently survey all of my patients looking at their experience and outcomes. Finally I have access to my data from Spire’s follow up programme, My Clinical Outcomes.

View my profile on the National Joint Registry website. This only gives a brief overview of my practice. It shows that the average patient that I treat is slightly older and have more co-morbidities than the national average.

It does not give any long term results, which are 10 years post total knee replacement - expected number of patients requiring a revision (14), actual number of patients requiring a revision (7). 10 years post unicompartmental knee replacement - expected number of patients requiring a revision (5), actual number of patients requiring a revision (3).

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) are independent of surgeon influence. I receive reports from the NJR, Amplitude and My Clinical Outcomes. They all show that my patients improve their Oxford Knee Score (0-48) by 16 points at 6 months post-operatively; this is the same as the national average. My Clinical Outcomes report that this increases to an improvement of 18 points by 12 months (The NJR do not report 12 month figures).

The National Ligament Registry has published its sixth annual report. On every one of the parameters that it measures, my patients start with scores worse than the national average. By one year post-operation, they have recovered to approximately the national average.

My scores for the International Knee Documentation Committee (score out of 100) include Pre-op 40 (average 47) and at 1 year is 79 (39 point improvement) and the average 81 (34 point improvement).

EQ-5D (score 0-1) is a standardised measure of health-related quality of life. My scores include pre-op 0.40 (average 0.69) and 1 year is 0.85 (0.45 point improvement) and average 0.83 (0.14 point improvement).


General Medical Council Number: 3304532

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Andrew Lavender at Spire include:


Other treatments

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Manchester Hospital.


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Additional information

Knee surgery
Orthopaedic surgery
Soft tissue injuries
Sports injury

Special clinical interests: Robotic assisted knee replacements, meniscus (cartilage) surgery, ligament reconstruction (ACL) surgery, total knee replacement, unicompartmental knee replacement, adolescent knees (12 years+), patellofemoral knee problems (knee cap).

MB BS / University of London / 1989
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

FRCSI / Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland / 1994
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland

FRCS (Tr & Orth) / Intercollegiate Board / 2001
Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons

Professional memberships

British Medical Association

British Association of Surgery of the Knee

Professional leadership

Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee, Spire Hospital, Manchester

In 2020, Mr Andrew Lavender was Acting Medical Director from 1 August until 30 November. He was appointed to ensure consultant compliance with the latest medical governance principles, advisory panel, medical recalls and oversee the responsible officer as well as advise the business on evolving standards and set new standards in conjunction with the Group Clinical Director. He was paid £280,000 for this role.
Private secretary Imogen Gill
Private secretary telephone 0161 413 8238
Private secretary fax 0161 413 8239
Private secretary email