Dr Andrew Nicolson

Dr Andrew Nicolson

Consultant Neurologist


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Specialises in

  • Epilepsy
  • General and acute neurology
  • Headaches
  • Movement disorders

I am recognised as a regional expert in the management of epilepsy, but as a General Neurologist I also treat patients with a wide range of neurological disorders including migraine, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and neuromuscular disorders.

I practice as a Consultant Neurologist at The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust in Liverpool. I also provide a community general neurology clinic in Birkenhead where I evaluate patients presenting with any neurological symptoms, for example headaches, blackouts / 'funny turns', sensory symptoms, balance problems or memory difficulties.

I have trained in neurological centres across the UK, and have a higher degree in epilepsy research.

I have been Medical Director of The Walton Centre since 2016 and Deputy Chief Executive since 2021.


General Medical Council Number: 4187385

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Andrew Nicolson at Spire include:


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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Murrayfield Hospital Wirral.


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Additional information

Medical Director and Consultant Neurologist at The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust.

I live on the Wirral with my wife and two children. I have an active interest in sport, especially football, and in my much younger days I captained England Universities.

Telephone 0151 929 5408
Email info@spirewirral.com
Private secretary Tracey
Private secretary telephone 07463 906 588
Private secretary email nicolson@doctors.org.uk