Dr Manohar Sharma

Consultant Pain Medicine and Neuromodulation

MBBS, FRCA, MSc Pain Management, FFPMRCA

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Specialises in

  • Spinal pain
  • Chronic low back and neck pain
  • Sciatica

I have a special interest in spinal pain and precision diagnostic and therapeutic intervention of sciatica and brachialgia. I also carry out radiofrequency denervation for spinal pain. 

I am the pain service lead at the Department of Pain Medicine at The Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool. I specialise in treating chronic low back and neck pain. I teach spinal injection technique on various national and international courses. 

I am Chairman of Interventional Pain Special interest group of British Pain Society and North England Pain Medicine Group. 

I have contributed to many publications and text book chapters. I am currently editing a book on cancer pain management.


General Medical Council Number: 4753845

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Manohar Sharma at Spire include:

Pain management

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Murrayfield Hospital Wirral.


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Additional information

Consultant Pain Medicine Specialist and Anaesthetist, Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery NHS Trust

I am keen on cycling and badminton.

Telephone 0151 929 5408
Email info@spirewirral.com
Private secretary Karen Crowder James
Private secretary telephone 0151 529 8294
Private secretary email manoharpain@yahoo.co.uk