Dr Neghal Kandiyil | Nottingham Hospital | Spire Healthcare

Dr Neghal Kandiyil

Consultant Vascular Interventional Radiologist


I am a Consultant Radiologist, practicing full time in a large teaching hospital (University Hospitals of Leicester NHS trust), with a subspecialty interest in vascular radiology.

Prior to specialising in radiology I undertook and completed my basic and surgical training in Leeds University Teaching Hospitals, Yorkshire. This allowed me to complete my Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons. I then went on to do a PhD in Nottingham University in vascular surgery and radiological sciences. My general and subspecialty interventional radiology training was completed in Leicestershire and this included vascular radiology to fellowship level. I have an active interest in research with vascular radiology and am involved in a number of trials.

My areas of interest and expertise include CT and MRI imaging, Ultrasound and interventions in acute and chronic diseases of the blood vessels. I regularly perform interventions to open arterial blockages (angioplasty and stenting); block leaking or abnormal blood vessels (embolisation in vascular malformations-AVM’s, varicoceles, tumours, trauma, aneurysm stenting and maintenance of dialysis fistula access). I also perform chemotherapy/embolisation of liver tumours, and vascular line access. I supervise and report adult cardiac/coronary CT.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Neghal Kandiyil at Spire include:

Clinical radiology

Other treatments

  • Aneurysm stenting
  • Embolisation in vascular malformations
  • Embolisation of liver tumours
  • Maintenance of dialysis fistula access
  • Varicoceles

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Nottingham Hospital.


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Additional information

CT scanning
Interventional radiology
Magnetic resonance imaging
Vascular radiology

MRCS / Intercollegiate / 2006
Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons

PhD / University of Nottingham / 2014
Doctorate of Philosophy

CCT-IR / UK / 2015
Certificate of Completion of Training in clinical radiology with Interventional Radiology sub-specialisation

FRCR / London / 2014
Fellowship Royal college of Radiologists

Consultant Interventional Radiologist and Honorary lecturer, University of Leicester.

Speciality lead for Vascular Radiology, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.