Mr Ketan Gajjar

Mr Ketan Gajjar

Consultant Gynaecologist


Specialises in

  • Ovarian cysts
  • Fibroids
  • Cervical smear and colposcopy
  • Complex keyhole and open surgery
  • Vulval lesions

I am a Consultant Gynaecological Oncology Surgeon at Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust. I sub-specialise in gynaecological cancer surgery including uterine, ovarian, cervical and vulval cancers.

I received higher surgical training in managing gynaecological cancers from Cambridge University Hospitals and worked there briefly as a consultant before moving to Nottingham. I have received training in managing gynaecological conditions such as endometriosis, heavy menstrual bleeding, ovarian cysts, labial cysts, and cervical pre-cancer.

I have a keen interest in performing complex keyhole surgery in managing gynaecological cancers. I am a BSCCP certified colposcopist and have interest in managing cervical pre-cancer conditions and cervical HPV. I also have a keen interest in multi-disciplinary management of advanced ovarian cancers. I offer diagnostics services such as hysteroscopy for women with menstrual problems such as post-menopausal and peri-menopausal bleeding.

I have a keen interest in research in cancer and I carried out a research MD from University of Lancaster and worked on iospectroscopy methods as a novel diagnostic tool in cancer and pre-cancer diagnostics.

My previous training was in Gujarat, India where I completed an MD in obstetrics and gynaecology from MS University, Baroda. I moved to the UK in 2004 and received further training in obstetrics and gynaecology in the East of England.


General Medical Council Number: 6083162

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Ketan Gajjar at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Complex keyhole and open surgery
  • Loop excision of cervix (LLETZ)

I provide treatment for all gynaecological cancers including vulval, vaginal, endometrial, cervical cancer and pre-cancer including complex keyhole surgery and laparotomy for ovarian cancer/masses.

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Nottingham Hospital.


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Additional information

Gynaecology and/or obstetrics
Gynaecological cancer
Post menopausal problems
Menstrual disorders
Laparoscopic surgery

Special clinical interests: Ovarian; Cervical; Endometrial and Vulval Cancer.

MBBS / Maharaja Sayajirao University, India / 1999
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

MD (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) / Maharaja Sayajirao University / 2002
Doctor of Medicine

MRCOG / London, UK / 2005
Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

MD (research) / Lancaster University, UK / 2013
Doctor of Medicine

Professional memberships

The European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO)

The British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS)

The British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology - OSCE examiner and Colposcopy course faculty

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)

My research interests include novel diagnostic methods for in-vivo diagnostics using spectroscopy. Clinical research interests are in ovarian and endometrial cancers.


Gynaecological Oncology for the MRCOG

Nottingham University Hospitals (City Hospital and QMC).

In my free time I enjoy spending time with family as well as playing badminton and cricket.