Professor Michael Cummings | Portsmouth Hospital | Spire Healthcare
Professor Michael Cummings

Professor Michael Cummings

Consultant Endocrinologist


I am a Consultant Physician at Portsmouth Hospitals University Trust and Professor of Diabetes and Endocrinology affiliated to Portsmouth University. I've specialised in Diabetes and Endocrinology since 1990.

I have significant experience in many areas of diabetes and its complications. I provide clinics for management of endocrine conditions including thyroid disorders, pituitary disorders, parathyroid and calcium disorders, adrenal disorders, steroid disorders, testosterone disorders such as hypogonadism and ovarian disorders such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome as well as other rarer endocrine conditions. I also manage lipid disorders (cholesterol and triglyceride).

I have undertaken significant research in a number of areas with approximately 140 publications and numerous text books/chapters. I am also the Wessex Diabetes Lead for research (CLRN). I am associate editor for the journal Practical Diabetes. I have extensively lectured on many areas of diabetes both nationally and internationally. And have had numerous educational roles including College Tutor, Programme Director for SpR training in Wessex and Physician Associate Lead for training in Portsmouth.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Professor Michael Cummings at Spire include:

Endocrinology and diabetes

Other treatments

  • Diabetes
  • Endocrinology
  • Pituitary disease
  • Thyroid disease

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Portsmouth Hospital.


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Additional information

Lipid disorders and cardiovascular risk Thyroid lumps and disorders Diabetes and pregnancy Erectile dysfunction Polycystic ovarian syndrome Adrenal and pituitary disease

Professional memberships

Fellow, The Royal College of Physicians

Member, Association of Clinical Diabetologists

Member Diabetes UK

Member, European Association for the study of Diabetes

Member, Wessex Diabetes and Endocrine Association

Consultant Physician, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Portsmouth NHS Trust

Honorary Professor of Diabetes and Endocrinology, University of Portsmouth

Private secretary Michele Murphy
Private secretary telephone 07720 394 563
Private secretary email