Mr Mohammad Waseem

Mr Mohammad Waseem

Orthopaedic Surgeon

BSc, MB ChB, FRCS (Eng), FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Specialises in

  • Hand and wrist surgery
  • Shoulder surgery
  • Elbow surgery
  • Shoulder replacement surgery
  • Sports injuries

Languages spoken

English, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu

My practice provides a comprehensive upper limb and trauma service. I've been fellowship trained in trauma and upper limb surgery.

I was trained in three regions, Manchester, Yorkshire and Wessex. The fellowships included an upper limb fellowship in Wrightington and 14 months as an upper limb registrar in Southampton. The trauma year was spent in Leeds and Hull. There were two overseas fellowships during this period; a travelling fellowship to University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland for training in micro-vascular hand surgery; and a trauma travelling fellowship by AO in Germany.

I'm a keen teacher. I lecture nationally and internationally on trauma and upper limb surgery. I have been a member of the Court of examiners for the Royal College of Surgeons of England examining in the UK and overseas.


General Medical Council Number: 4455721

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Mohammad Waseem at Spire include:


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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Regency Hospital Macclesfield.


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Additional information

Elbow surgery
Shoulder surgery
Sports injury
Wrist surgery

Special clinical interests: Arthroscopic surgery including :- Hand surgery - including Dupuytren's contracture surgical and non-surgical procedures, elbow surgery, shoulder surgery, wrist fractures and scaphoid.

  • Carpal instability
  • Elbow instability and complex fractures
  • Percutaneous fracture fixation
  • Radio ulnar joint reconstruction
  • Surface shoulder replacement
  • Thumb CMC joint biomechanics

Consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon, Macclesfield District General Hospital.


Being a keen sportsman, I have played a number of sports to a fairly high level. However, a number of personal injuries have led to my interest into sports injuries and rehabilitation. I play cricket and write children's books.

I also speak several languages including English, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi and Spanish. I am also learning Serbian and French.

Holds less than 0.1% of the shares in Spire Healthcare Group plc.
Owns 100% of the M-Turbo Ultrasound used at the hospital.
Telephone 01625 505412/505406
Private secretary Helen
Private secretary fax 01625 501 800
Private secretary email