MBChB, BSc (Hons), FRCP, MD
Specialises in
Languages spoken
I am currently a busy full-time Consultant Endocrinologist/Diabetologist. I have a strong interest in all of the main areas of endocrinology and diabetes and have built up considerable experience over the last 21 years as a consultant.
My undergraduate medical education was at Leeds University Medical School. I qualified in 1987 with distinction in microbiology. I obtained an additional degree, BSc (Hons), in chemical pathology, during the course of my medical studies. My postgraduate experience and training was obtained in West Yorkshire and the Midlands.
I have been fortunate in training under the supervision of many very eminent endocrinologists in the past, both in Birmingham and beyond. I obtained membership of the Royal College of Physicians at the first attempt in 1990.
I was awarded a Sheldon Research Fellowship following a competitive selection process, to fund a period of three years of research under the supervision of Professor RN Clayton, which culminated in the award of my MD thesis in 1997 (Molecular genetics and epidemiology of pituitary tumours).
My professional qualifications include a BSc (Hons) in Chemical Pathology, MBChB, MD and FRCP (UK). I became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in 2003. I am also a member of the Society for Endocrinology, Endocrine Society (USA) and Diabetes (UK).
I was appointed as a Consultant Endocrinologist/Diabetologist at the University Hospitals Birmingham Foundation Trust, Birmingham, on 1 December 1997.
I continue to publish research in respected peer reviewed journals and participate in national and international conferences, which I attend regularly to ensure that I am fully up to date and deliver high quality clinical care.
I am an ARSAC license holder enabling direct access to radioiodine for patients with overactive thyroid glands.
I have chosen to maintain a very active, patient focused clinical role since my appointment in 1997. Patient feedback is central in ensuring high quality care. In my last 360 degree appraisal, 25/26 patients were 'very satisfied' with their consultation.
Comments such as ‘The doctor was excellent and always has been’, ' A very competent doctor’, ‘Prepared to listen and give his time’, ‘Friendly and made me feel at ease' provide strong evidence of high quality care.
Feedback from colleagues is also very relevant. In the same 360 degree appraisal,15/15 colleagues rated me as good/outstanding for clinical assessment and 16/16 good/outstanding for patient management. Both scores were above the national/specialty average. Across the whole spectrum of clinical care, 80/80 responses were good/outstanding.
Comments such as 'In my opinion Dr Bates is an outstanding doctor', 'Many of his patients I see hold him in very high regard' and 'Very helpful and supportive' are very rewarding.
Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Andrew Bates at Spire include:
Endocrinology and diabetes
COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire South Bank Hospital.