Miss Eleni Balabanidou

Consultant in Hand and Wrist Trauma and Orthopaedics


"I love being part of the Spire Healthcare team. With the patients care always at the centre of what they do, they have created the highest level of workplace and teams."

I practice general trauma surgery but I specialise in surgery affecting mainly the elbow, forearm, wrist and hand. I complete a high number of procedures annually and have obtained enormous experience in trauma surgery and have been trained by top surgeons in elective surgery. 

I am currently the clinic lead of the Trauma and Orthopaedic Department at Southampton General Hospital. And am proud to be the first ever female consultant clinical lead. I have also been the lead in the "Hand First" QI collaborative project for Southampton General for the past two years. And have just been awarded the "Unstoppable Hero" award for the projects progress and results.

I qualified in Orthopaedic surgery in 2009 and joined Southampton General Hospital in 2010 as a Hand Fellow. I obtained the European Diploma in 2012. After ascending all of the ranks in the same hospital I became a Consultant in 2021.

I am a member of the Trauma Commitee of British Society of surgery of the hand. 


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Miss Eleni Balabanidou at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Finger joint replacement
  • Peripheral nerve release e.g Carpal Tunnel release
  • Ulnar nerve release 
  • Removal of metal work
  • Tendon release
  • Tendon transfer 
  • Trapeziectomy 
  • Wrist arthroscopy 

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Southampton Hospital.


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Additional information

Elbow surgery
Hand surgery
Soft tissue injuries
Upper limb surgery
Wrist surgery

FESSH / Antwerp / 2012
European Diploma in Hand Surgery
Degree for qualification in hand and wrist surgery

CCT / Municipality of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki / 2009
Certificate of completion in training in Trauma and Orthopaedics

MD / Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki / 2001
Medical Degree

Professional memberships

British Society for Surgery of the Hand

AO Trauma

Professional leadership

I am currently the Clinical Director of the Trauma and Orthopaedics department at Southampton General Hospital. The first event woman to hold this position in its history.

Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedics, University Hospital Trust, Southampton General.

In my personal life I love spending time with my two lovely sons, that I couldn't be more proud of. I love sports and enjoy long distance running and walking. I am also an arts enthusiast, with classical music and dance being top in my interests. 

Private secretary Sally Ghafoor
Private secretary telephone 02380 015 578
Private secretary email sally@medicalsecretaries.co.uk