Professor James Byrne

Professor James Byrne

General Surgeon

MD, FRCS (Gen Surg)

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Specialises in

  • Bariatrics
  • Weight loss surgery

I was appointed as a Consultant Surgeon at University Hospital Southampton in 2002, after surgical training in the North West of England, and a fellowship at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, Australia.

I provide a comprehensive service in the area of upper gastrointestinal disease and enjoy working alongside other specialist colleagues in the management of particularly challenging and complex problems. As well as managing oesophageal and gastric cancers, and my obesity surgery practice, I also perform a wide variety of other laparoscopic surgery including cholecystectomy, hernia repair and anti-reflux surgery.

I have been a member of the bariatric (obesity) surgical team in Southampton that has now performed over 2,000 procedures since it was established in 2004. I offer laparoscopic gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy, laparoscopic roux Y gastric bypass and revision surgery.

I am passionate about improving outcomes for patients and contributing to building high quality evidence to underpin clinical practice.

I am also a NICE advisor for Upper GI surgery and a member of the Council of the British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society.


General Medical Council Number: 3328736

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Professor James Byrne at Spire include:

General surgery

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COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Southampton Hospital.


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Additional information

Bsc Med. Sci (Hons) Physiology / St Andrew's University, Scotland / 1986
Bachelor of Science

MB ChB / University of Manchester Medical School / 1989
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

MD / University of Manchester / 1998
Doctor of Medicine

Professional memberships

Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons - General Surgery

I am an investigator on three large ongoing randomized studies:

  1. BY-BAND-SLEEVE. £4.2m HTA funded randomised comparison of the three commonly weight loss procedures
  2. Endobarrier. £2.4m EME funded randomized study of this novel intervention for type 2 diabetes
  3. ROMIO. HTA funded randomised comparison of open and minimal access oesophagectomy


A two-consultant approach is a safe and efficient strategy to adopt during the learning curve for laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: our results in the first 100 procedures

Consultant Surgeon, University Hospital Southampton

Honorary Senior Lecturer, Southampton University

I am married with two children. My main interests outside work, other than family, are walking, sailing, golf, skiing and reading.

Holds less than 0.1% of the shares in Spire Healthcare Group Plc
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