"Spire Southampton is a fantastic facility and has stepped up to the challenges faced by patients in recent times."
I have been a consultant ophthalmologist since 2013. Prior to this, I undertook training in both ophthalmology, molecular genetics and ophthalmic surgery in Southampton and Manchester. I also took three years away from medical training to complete a PhD in molecular genetics and now lead the regional oculo-genetics service and run specialist clinics in paediatric ophthalmology. I am an internationally recognised expert in paediatric ophthalmology and see patients from around the world.
I specialise in cataract surgery in adults, complex cataract surgery in children and strabismus (squint) surgery in addition to non-surgical management of paediatric eye conditions. I have a particular interest in nystagmus, albinism and genetic eye conditions and run specialist services for these conditions and see patients from around the UK and worldwide.
I see predominantly tertiary referrals in my clinical practice (referred from other consultants) and am regional lead for many rare ophthalmic conditions in children.
I have national leadership roles in ophthalmology and regularly teach other ophthalmologists, optometrists and orthoptists both regionally and at national meetings and seminars. I work closely with a number of eye charities and am medial advisor or ambassador to five of them. I am a CFC committee member for the Southampton Hospital Charity and assist a number of other charities in prioritising research funding and awarding grants.
In addition to my clinical work, I am Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Southampton. I lead a team of researchers who work both in the lab and on clinical research projects and through this role I have numerous leadership roles in academic ophthalmology.
I work closely with my colleague and friends at University Hospital Southampton many of whom also provide private care. I work particularity closely with my colleague Stephanie West who is also an ophthalmologist with a particular interest in paediatric ophthalmology and we work closely to provide private appointments and services to our paediatric patients. We have many years of experience working with children (and five children of our own between us), in addition to an excellent support team for both children and adults. We believe that patients should see the right doctor at the first appointment and so our close links with other consultant friends helps us ensure that this happens.
Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Jay Self at Spire include:
Other treatments
COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Southampton Hospital.
FRCOphth / Royal College of Ophthalmologists / 2009
Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists
RCOphth - Fellow
British OcularMotor Group (BOMG) - Member
UK Eye Genetics Group (UKEGG) – Member
British Medical Association (BMA) – Member
British Congenital Cataract Interest Group (BCCIG) – Member
British Congenital Cataract Interest Group (BCCIG) – Member
RP Fighting Blindness charity – Grant committee panel member
Member of the RCOphth Genomics Working Group 2018
Member of the RCOphth Paediatric Subcommittee
Member of the RCOphth Academic Subcommittee
Chair of NIHR Neuro/Paeds Ophthalmology clinical study group (CSG)
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology (University of Southampton).
Consultant Ophthalmologist (University Hospital Southampton).
I am lucky enough to have three children, a dog, six chickens and my wife is a full-time Barrister. Therefore, much of my spare time is spent with typical family life! When I do have some time to myself, I have always had a keen interest in sport (my parents were both PE teachers!) and enjoy travel when I can. I am also a keen (rather than skilled!) vegetable gardener and cook.
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Private secretary | Christine Symonds |
Private secretary telephone | 023 8091 4515 |
Private secretary email | |