Mr Syed Anjum

Mr Syed Anjum

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Foot and Ankle

FRCS (Tr & Orth); M. Sc in Trauma; M. S. (Orthopaedics); MBBS

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Specialises in

  • Bunions
  • Arthritis
  • Sport ligament injuries
  • Curly toes
  • Morton’s neuroma

I am fellowship trained Foot and Ankle Surgeon working in a busy University Hospital and a major trauma centre for two years. I am an expert in the management of complex foot and ankle problems and complex trauma and sports injuries around foot and ankle. I get referrals for expert opinion from surrounding hospitals.

I treat all foot and ankle conditions such as bunion, hammer toes, curly toes, ingrowing toe nails, hallux valgus and hallux rigidus; tendon problems such as achilles tendonitis, planter fasciitis. I do ankle arthroscopy, arthroscopic fusion of ankle using small incisions and do total ankle replacement for arthritis. I also treat fractures around foot and ankle. I treat sports injuries focusing on rehabilitation to achieve early return to sports and perform ligament reconstruction when necessary.

In addition to my clinical work, I am training lead for foundation year trainee and train orthopaedic specialist registrar and senior foot and ankle fellows.

I have published several papers in peer-reviewed foot and ankle journals. I have lead few multicentre national trials based at University Hospital Southampton such as UK STAR study, a rehabilitation after Achilles tendon rupture; AIR Study, ankle injury rehabilitation comparing plaster vs functional brace treatment. I have introduced fibular nailing, a new procedure for treating ankle fractures at Southampton General Hospital.


General Medical Council Number: 4748898

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Syed Anjum at Spire include:

Orthopaedics - ankle and foot

Other treatments

  • Ankle arthroscopy
  • Ankle fracture treatment
  • Ligament reconstruction
  • Sports injury

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Southampton Hospital.


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Additional information

Ankle surgery
Foot surgery
Orthopaedic surgery
Soft tissue injuries
Sports injury
Sports medicine
Soft tissue injury
Sports medicine

FRCS (Tr & Orth) / Intercollegiate Board, Edinburgh / 2000
Fellow of Royal College of Surgeon in Trauma & Orthopaedics
This is the highest degree in Trauma & Orthopaedics that is gained at the end of training.

Professional memberships

General Medical Council

Medical Defence Union

British Orthopaedic Association (BOA)

British Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (BOFAS)

British Medical Association (BMA)

Professional leadership

I am working in University Hospital Southampton, Spire Southampton & Nuffield Wessex Hospital and leading my units. I am lead for Foundation year doctor in UHS


Basal osteotomy with lateral soft tissue release and medial plication in the correction of moderate to severe Hallux Valgus. Anjum SN, Denolf F. Foot & Ankle Surgery 2006;12,1:13-17

Spike osteotomy in the treatment of Hallux Valgus. Mittal D, Anjum SN, Raja S, Raut V. The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery 2006;45,4:261-265

Sesamoids of the Foot. Anwar R, Anjum SN, Nicholl JE. Current Orthopaedics 2005;19(1):40-48

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, University Hospital Southampton

I am married with two sons and enjoy spending time with them. I enjoy playing cricket and travelling.

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