Spire Healthcare is proud to support the NHS | Southampton Hospital | Spire Healthcare

Spire Healthcare is proud to support the NHS in the fight against coronavirus

27 March 2020

Spire Healthcare has announced that it has dedicated its hospitals and resources to the NHS to support the fight against coronavirus.

More beds, ventilators and thousands of healthcare staff will be made urgently available to the NHS for a minimum of 14 weeks, thanks to a major deal agreed between Spire Healthcare, NHS England, and a number of other independent healthcare providers.

Each Spire hospital will be working in collaboration with their local NHS trusts to make sure support is given exactly where needed. The extra resources now secured for NHS use will not only be available to treat coronavirus patients, but will help the NHS to deliver other urgent operations and cancer treatments.

David Hare, Chief Executive of the Independent Healthcare Providers Network, said: ‘Independent hospitals are boosting emergency capacity to put at the disposal of the NHS over these coming weeks. We have worked hand-in-hand with the NHS for decades and will do whatever it takes to support the NHS in responding to this pandemic.

‘This significant additional capacity across the country will be a major boost to NHS’s efforts to treat those patients that need hospital care over the coming period, and the independent sector stands ready to maintain that support for as long as needed.’

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