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Specialist clinical care tailored for infants, children and adolescents.
Play VideoAt Spire Southampton Hospital, we provide specialist advice, diagnosis and treatment for children and young people over the age of three, led by experienced paediatric consultants and supported by specialist paediatric nurses and play specialists to ensure the best service for your child. Our specialists treat children for a wide range of conditions including skin; eyes; ear, nose and throat; bones and joints; and hernias.
We understand the importance to parents and children of being ‘listened to’ and the difference that delivering the appropriate clinical care to children in an environment which is tailored for children can make. Whether your child is coming into hospital for minor treatment or major surgery, we promise to offer them exceptional care.
Whether you’re paying for yourself, using private medical insurance or are an NHS patient, accessing our services is really easy.
Safeguarding continues to be a high priority and Spire Healthcare is committed to safeguarding adults, children, young people and looked after children. All healthcare staff have a duty to recognise and respond to safeguarding children or adults issues. Safeguarding is a range of activities from promoting health and wellbeing to protection from harm.
View our safeguarding statement