Dr Mashkur Khan

Dr Mashkur Khan

Consultant Physician


Specialises in

  • All aspects of general and geriatric medicine
  • Balance disorders, dizziness and falls
  • Dementia and memory loss
  • Parkinson's Disease and its variants
  • Syncope and blackouts

I have been a substantive Consultant at Epsom Hospital for 22 years. I see patients of all ages and run both a busy inpatient and outpatient service. I see complex medical problems including balance disorders and mobility problems. I have a particular interest in Parkinson's disease and its variants and I belong to the International Movement Disorder Society in USA since 2006. I have a subspecialty interest in dementia and its many faces. I see new patients with memory loss and do a full assessment and work-up. I subsequently make a full treatment plan for the person which is individualised; I have organised and chaired a national meeting in new treatments in dementia for the Royal Society of Medicine and I am doing a similar meeting for the RSM next year.

I also do a full review of balance disorders and falls and offer a comprehensive review and offer a risk stratification and prevention service and assess the multi factorial causes. I look at medical causes of balance disorders and look at correctable causes and treatments.

I have a special interest in syncope and unexplained blackouts. I organise head up tilt table tests (HUTT) for selected patients who need to be risk stratified to high risk, intermediate risk and low risk groups and offer the best treatments for them. I do a full review of Parkinson's patients including the motor fluctuations, freezing and mobility problems associated with it. I look at the non motor manifestations of Parkinson's disease and autonomic involvement. I arrange DAT scans where the diagnosis is less clear. I do a full assessment on patients with memory loss. I do a formal Montreal Cognitive Assessment scale study (MoCA) on patients with suspected dementia and arrange an MRI brain scan where necessary.

I do a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) on all the elderly care patients I see. I do a full physical, psychological, social, functional and psychiatric assessment of the complex patients referred to me and offer a full diagnosis and treatment plan which is tailored to the individual patient and their circumstances. I offer how they can thrive and survive in their micro-environment and offer goal setting and work with the multi-professional team.

I am the medical link to the South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre (SWLEOC) and I offer medical advice to patients who need post-operative medical care. I assess them and offer my expertise to enhance early discharge and assess for medical complications and undiagnosed problems.

I offer home visits to frail elderly patients who are not able to travel to see me. They may reside in nursing homes or live at home with a package of care. I offer liaison service to surgical patients who have developed medical complications post-operatively both in an inpatient or outpatient setting. I am an MRCP Clinical Examiner and examine and host on a regular basis and this keeps my general medical sharp and updated.


General Medical Council Number: 4263177

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Mashkur Khan at Spire include:

Geriatric medicine

General medicine

Other treatments

  • Balance disorders
  • I see all diseases common in the ageing population including the frail elderly
  • Memory loss and the many faces of dementia and other causes of cognitive impairment
  • Medical diseases common including acute medical problems and more chronic conditions that need stabilisation
  • Multi-system disease and multi-system pathology
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Syncope and blackouts including autonomic dysfunction


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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire St Anthony's Hospital.


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Additional information

Balance disorders
Geriatric medicine
General medicine
Memory disorders
Movement disorders

Diploma in Medical Leadership / University of London / 2015
Diploma in Medical Leadership

FRCPI / Royal College of Physicians of Ireland / 2011
Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

FRCP / Royal College of Physicians of London / 2006
Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians

Honorary Senior Lecturer / University of London / 2003
Honorary Senior Lecturer

Teacher / University of London / 2003
Teacher, University of London

MBBS / University of Dhaka / 1989
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

Professional memberships

British Geriatric Society(BGS)

Royal College of Physicians of London

Royal Society of Medicine(RSM)

Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Movement Disorder Society (USA)

Professional leadership

I am currently the President of the Gerontology and Geriatrics Section of the Royal Society of Medicine.
I am the Host Examiner for the MRCP Examinations at Epsom.
I am a Regional Adviser for Royal College of Physicians of London covering South London.
I am the Ex-Trust Programme Director for Internal Medical Training (IMT) having served for over 10 years.
I also served as the RCP Tutor for Epsom.
I am the Chairman for the Epsom Grand Rounds.

Radio interview for London One Radio in my capacity as RSM Section President for Gerontology. I discussed how to keep healthy and well in Old Age. May 2024

Article featured in RSM Magazine - Spotlight in Geriatric Medicine November 2023.


What you need to know about Alzheimer’s disease

What you need to know about Parkinson’s disease

Honorary Senior Lecturer, St Georges', University of London.

Consultant Physician Epsom Hospital.

I enjoy reading, sports and spending time with my family.