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  • Miss Zahra Ameen

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  • Mr Sourav Das

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  • Dr Sangeetha Devarajan

    • Coil Insertions and endometrial biopsy
    • Hysteroscopic procedures
    • Laparoscopic removal of ovarian cysts
    • Endometriosis treatment and hysterectomy
    • Vaginal skin tags and Bartholin's abscess management

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Ms Chi Christina Ding

    • General gynaecology and fertility issues
    • Minimal access surgery / hysterectomies
    • Fibroids, Endometriosis, Ovarian cysts
    • Recurrent miscarriages
    • 3D Ultrasound, Outpatient Hysteroscopies

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Mr Glefy Inacio Furtado

    • General gynaecology including menstrual and incontinence issues
    • Hysterectomy
    • Fibroids and endometriosis
    • HRT and menopause
    • Hysteroscopy / laparoscopy

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Ms Lubna Haque

    • Ovarian cysts/PCOS/fibroids
    • Period problems and bleeding, polyp
    • Gynae surgery (hysterectomy, laparoscopy)
    • Pelvic pain, endometriosis, menopause, HRT
    • Colposcopy and vulva problems

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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