One stop breast clinic
24 May 2019
Introducing our ‘One Stop Breast Clinic’
We are delighted to confirm that Spire Washington Hospital offer a ‘One Stop Breast Clinic’.
Whatever your concern, from initial consultation to diagnosis and treatment we aim to offer continuous and seamless care to achieve the best and most effective medical care for you.
What can you expect from our One Stop Breast Clinic?
After undertaking an initial examination with one of our Consultant Breast Surgeons, any further imaging, diagnostic tests or further treatment required will be discussed with you. If scans are required these can be carried out during your visit and results discussed. If any abnormalities are found your consultant may suggest biopsies to be carried out. Please note, these results may not be available on the same day.
Throughout your visit a specialist breast care nurse will be available to provide you with support and information. On completion of any investigations your consultant will spend time with you, talking you through their findings, answering any questions and discussing any concerns you may have.
How do I arrange an appointment at the Spire Washington Hospital One Stop Breast Clinic?
Simply complete our online enquiry form and one of our dedicated Customer Service Advisers will be in touch to arrange an appointment to suit you. Alternatively please call our Self-Pay Team on 0191 4489 632.